080 – Kevin does not listen to alternative




Okay, let’s not get that stuck in our listeners’ heads.


Why not we get all kinds of other stuff stuck in their heads why not that?


We don’t want to chase people away.


That’s fair


So, I don’t know if you guys, well, I don’t know if you guys have heard the Cake version, oh man, that is good. Yeah.


I love the Cake version, yeah.


That’s actually the version that I hear in my head whenever I sing it so


I don’t know what that means.


So, there’s the band Cake.


You are dead to me, sir.


Yeah, they’ve got a version of Mahna, Mahna.
So, if you haven’t heard it, look it up. It’s great.


Oh, actually, I think I might have heard it.
It’s been a while.
I don’t listen to much alternative.


Le gasp!


Oh, big shocker, big shocker, the metalhead doesn’t listen to much alternative.


Alternative metal.


That that is actually a categorization of metal




It’s it’s not as amusing as uh
What is it Nerd Core
But it’s up there almost almost as awesome as a cappella metal


Well, I’ve got a They Might Be Giants station and all sorts of fun stuff show up where it all
Shows up on it and also some music from Portal. Stuff like that. It’s great. It’s great.


Well, we’ve already started but uh…


We’d like to thank you for joining us
This is episode 80 of amateur 3d podcast a podcast by amateur printers for amateur printers where we share our thoughts and experience our
Panelist this week or me Franklin Christensen and my friends Andy Cottam, Kevin Buckner, and Chris Weber and…


The very, very beginning.


We only talked for an hour before starting the recording


It’s less than that, actually.


Well, some of us were having tech issues and login issues and yeah.


Kevin joined us late, so he didn’t get the full hour.


Oh, that is true, yeah.


I don’t think that he’d miss is that though


It was fine.
I was at work.
But hey, today I took my motorcycle out for the first ride of the season, so that was great.




Oh. That had to be nice.


We’ve got to get you a new seat though.


No, we don’t.
I got a new seat years ago, Chris.


I need to get a whole new motorcycle


Oh, man. It’s probably us.


Mine’s been parked up against the fence pretty much since the day I got it.


And it’s the new seat I got is, it’s better than the old one.


Does anybody want to emcee today




You would already started, but I guess I can say so.


Yeah, you just be the master ceremonies for the rest of the podcast and I’ll say the outro at the end and go from there


All right, sounds good.
Frank, what have you done this week?


I created my own version of the
Textile tape measures
The casing for it


Oh, yeah. It’s got snap rings and




Yeah, the snap ring was actually an idea that I got from the
Chuck the lathe chuck because it uses a an outside snap ring and the
So I just it was a really easy design has a retaining washer for the side with a snap ring and just pieces together and just pieces together.
Decided this last week that because I have been getting so much better prints that I went from a default
Narrowest point of two mill or three millimeters to two millimeters and we’re gonna see if it retains its strength
Recognizing that part of the reason I was at three is because of my table
Fixtures, so
If I’m not gonna be you know putting my weight on it and stuff like that
I don’t need to put that extra millimeter into the the width and
So the second one I actually decided that in the middle of the design process for this
So when I printed one off for my wife
I printed it all with the one millimeter less and it shaved off
I want to say about 30 minutes of print time, but also saved me a little bit like most of it was infill anyway
At 20% so it didn’t save me a whole lot of material, but it did save some time, so I
Was happy with that. Otherwise. I haven’t done anything this week


Now, just to clarify, because I made this mistake too, so it’s not not confusing. When you say three millimeters, you’re not talking about like the individual shell size or anything like that. You’re talking about the wall of a component, not being less than like three millimeters.
So that would be two sets of shells, one on one side, one on the other side, and all that, but yeah.


Plus the infill
So, structurally, I felt like three millimeters was the right minimum width for any design
But just thinking about it this week most of that was because
Like I said, it’s for my desk and I’m putting my weight on it and moving it around and it’s holding
Some stuff that I want to be careful with but if I’m designing something for a tape measure, I don’t need
Structural strength as much so I went narrower. I still I may go down to like one one and a half, but for now, I think the two millimeters is
Kind of a good middle ground, so


Yeah. I think most of the stuff I do is straight up two millimeters. I mean, unless there’s a reason to go one way or the other. I think that’s a great, great place.




That’s where I landed too.


And there was actually almost no infill with three…
Three walls for the shell so and it alternates
So it’s two and three depending on which layer




So, yeah, there was almost no infill with this design and I’m okay with that too. So.


You know, I’ve been doing the two layers for like forever, but I came to a good point
Where I was having issues with my my prints over the last few months, and I moved it to three three layers and brought the structural structural integrity back of my prints, but my prints still look like garbage.


Gotcha. Hopefully the new nozzle and everything once you get that back together will fix a lot of those problems. It’s, it’s amazing. It’s amazing how good Frank’s Prince are looking after he rebuilt his whole carriage.


And some of that I think was my extruder as well though, so




I’ve changed the nozzle periodically I’d say I’ve backed off on the tempo since I got it but
I’ve probably still changed my nozzle every three months or so I
Also, I also have chrome plated at least chrome plated it
I they may actually be iron or steel
Nozzles that came with my
Extruder, so I don’t know if that’s gonna change their life


I would think so.


At the very I don’t think it’ll change how easily they clog but that’s a whole another thing to attack later too
But yeah, that’s everything I’ve done this week




So yeah, you were talking about changing the head and all that. Well, yeah, I actually got to.
Yeah, I actually got to completely changing over the heat block assembly on my printer,
Which also included part of the spring-loaded feed mechanism.
I got an aluminum one instead of the plastic one that came with my printer.


You upgraded your extruder as well?


And, no, it’s the exact same extruder, exact same setup, except that, again, the feeder spring is aluminum assembly instead of plastic on that.
So the gear that actually holds the plastic is still plastic, and the roller on the other side is still metal, but the little levering mechanism is aluminum, not plastic.




Yeah, but there was also a, I was struggling with a little bit of a design change.
I didn’t really realize it was happening until I got it all together.
And, visibly, I could see that my extruder…
So the whole heat block and nozzle assembly was sits about somewhere between three to five millimeters lower than my previous one did.


That’s quite a bit.


Yeah, and so I got looking at it before I got everything put back together, you know, because it just didn’t speak the same,
And there’s a little notch in the assembly for how deep it sits and when it’s in place.
And those are different from the new nozzle versus the OE nozzle that came with, you know, the OE set that came with mine.


Mm hmm.


And so it looks like it’s actually giving about that three to five millimeters extra space before the plastic goes through the heat block assembly from the feeder.


I know mine
Mine uh… came with a length of Bowden tube to go from the extruder to the nozzle




Is yours designed for that Bowden tube as well?






So I’ve got a length of Bowden tube that’s probably right around 20 millimeters that actually sits in the carriage assembly underneath the feeder.






And it doesn’t go in it doesn’t go into your extruder then no it would have to I’m crazy leave me alone


No, well, yeah, so,


So yeah, so the Bowden tube on mine sits right between the feeder gear and the heat block.




Right still cool


So, and, and, yeah, and so yeah, so I replaced all that retram the bed, and it prints super sweet that I don’t need any sort of bed adhesion. In fact, I need some bed.
I had to break out the mallet to knock stuff off the print bed this week.




No kidding.


So, yeah.
Yeah, even after letting the print bed cool.
Like, got to tap the bottom of that with the mallet just just right to pop it loose.


That’s impressive.


Wonder if there’s like some residual
Adhesion happening from spray paint or something of you you cleaned it. I’m assuming so


Yeah, so it’s.


It’s unlikely that’s the case


Yeah, it’s just it’s it’s tram just perfect and the whole nine yards.




So, um, I so I have been printing this week I printed.
Well, the first thing I printed was a replacement.
Again, measuring tape spool for the wife because hers.
The one I printed before the quality was the quality of the print was low enough that the print didn’t last until, you know, didn’t last six months.


Want my design or have you already printed it?


But no, she I already printed it and she really likes that setup.


Actually do think that I’ll put mine up on thingy versus my first good build


That would be nice.


So that was the first thing I printed right off of it. The second thing I printed was another micrometer stand.
So, um, there’s a lady I work with that has a has a desk adjacent to me and she she ends up measuring pins and rings and stuff like that, a lot.
And so, um, obviously to help save her wrists and and things because I don’t know why we haven’t bought her a micrometer stand of her own.
But she keeps swapping swapping back and forth with.
Um, I don’t know if you guys have ever seen the micrometer stands that have the little grip handle have that the grip adjustment handles and stuff like that.


I really don’t spend a lot of time looking at micrometers stands myself


You know, but anyway, you can spend.
You can spend 300�������ℎ��������ℎ��ℎ���,�������,����������,����������������������������ℎ�ℎ��������������ℎ����������ℎ��������������ℎ���ℎ�������ℎ�ℎ����������.����ℎ��ℎ,�������,����ℎ������300andgettheseonesthathave,youknow,adjustable,itadjustsitforwardandbackwiththiscrankarmandthenitgrabsthemicrometerwithwithjawswiththiscrankarm.Butwhich,youknow,forwhatitis300 is a lot.
So anyway, just printing up this micrometer stand for her to just set the micrometer in and yeah, she was she was pretty pleased to get that.




Um, and then I started printing the headphone mounts for the mount setup that I wanted to do. And of course, we get to this point and the wife says, Well, no, I’m thinking I want to change my mind
About how that’s done. So maybe just hold off on that for a minute. And I’m like, Okay, sure.


Yeah, sure why not


Yeah, I’ll I can still take these and turn it into turn it into a headphone tree or something that stands independently so that, you know, we can put it wherever.
But anyway, so I did that. And then so I’ve also been working on my car engine.
So we know that, you know, my timing belt flipped because I bought a lemon.
This this this this this car seems like it was fixed by somebody like my, my father,




My father has a tendency to put our TV gasket sealer on everything cream molded gaskets.
I mean, so I found our TV in the drain oil drain plug threads.


Oh, geez.


I found RTV on when I was taking the engine apart to switch over the intake and all intake manifolds and that there was RTV on the intake manifold gaskets. There was


There was our RTV on the pre molded valve cover gaskets. There was there was RTV on the timing cover seal.
There was there was not a place this guy did not try to put RTV to keep this thing together.
So I am not surprised that the bolts were improperly credit and they were the wrong bolts and stuff that broke the timing belt on this.




So I was not particularly surprised after after the fact.


That’s tough that is tough dude


So anyway, I did get a good engine from the junkyard and I got everything other than the manifold wiring
And I got new I got new gaskets on everything and got it in the car.
This this last week and got all the accessories put on and finished up yesterday and it runs great.
But I don’t know if you guys have ever had to deal with the shift shift lock.


Not really no.


Shift lock…


So, so your car will not let you shift out of gear out of park unless you put your foot on the brake pedal.


Yes, typically


Okay, typically, so that part on my car is broken.




Yeah, you put your foot on the brake, you start the car, put your foot on the brake and it won’t move out of park.




It is locked.
So there’s a shift solenoid that recognizes when you push the brake pedal.


If it’s gonna fail I would rather failed it it failed in that direction anyway


Yep, so needless to say, I was pulling my hair out because YouTube, not YouTube, just Google in general, has been generally unhelpful, because the only answer I can get is, well, here’s how you check your shift solenoid minus the solenoid itself on mine is fine.




And then here’s how you bypass it. And that’s it.


Oh, so you were talking about the
The weight sensor in the passenger seat being a problem too and that was the same situation


Yes, that’s, that’s, yes, again, yeah, so that’s, that’s a different issue, but


With the same solution Oh just disabled it


Right. And also, by the way, disabling it still doesn’t work.
In this case,


Oh really?


So my car is not letting me disable it, and it’s broken.
So I can’t go anywhere without it going. Beep Beep Beep.


That’s weird.


Thats a problem.


Yes, I think it still might have something to do with that range switch being broke.
Anyway, so I bypass the shifter, so that I can take it for a test drive.
Drives great. Beautiful. It’s super annoying having to push the screwdriver
and move the shifter anytime I need to switch from drive backwards to reverse and park and and forward again.


But you got to work around use the screwdriver


Yeah, but that’s good for temporary.


So, yeah, it’s, it’s good for letting me use my use my car again, but definitely not a fix a proper.
So, I’m going to be playing with that today, but long story short, it came down to,
oh, hey, there’s a little cap that’s supposed to go over this bypass, right, and mine was gone, like…


Did you 3d print your way out of this


I did.
I don’t have a picture of it actually installed in my car because currently there is still a screwdriver there.
But I did. So I did send you guys a pic of it of it printed right up on my machine.


Well, that’s what that was




Yep. I even had the right color plastic.






I’m Curious.
The part that you’re talking about, Is that where the cover you pop out of the bumper for your tow loop?


No, this is on the shifter.


It looks it looks like the plug that goes in the the thing for your tow and all that too


The tow loop.


Yeah, but no, this thing is actually really tiny. It’s, it’s like, not even 10 millimeters around at the top. So it’s
But it’s just this little tiny little plastic plug that allows you, you know, you pop it out and it allows you to stick a screwdriver into bypass the shifter solenoid.




So, yeah, tiny little thing, right, it’s right next to your shifter, but yeah, anyway, so I noticed I was like, huh, okay, well, I’m going to want to put the cover back on this when I’m done.
And I know that when we were told when when we had told it back to my place.
I don’t know if this happened while we were towing it or afterward but I when I needed to move it back and forth on the driveway. I had to push.
I did have to bypass it in order to move it up and down the driveway, even though it had power.


Oh, weird.


So I, I don’t know if this if it if it if it whatever this cause was, it happened before I started messing with replacing the engine.
So, at least this the shifter thing is and so long story short, I took my test drives, and I did get a code about the range sensor on my transmission.


So, I’m going there next going to do that today.




Fun fun


But yeah, so fixed my printer and had a busy week with it.


Yeah, definitely.
It’s kind of neat thinking that you just yank the engine out of your car and put a junkyard engine right back into it and got it all done together and it’s ready to go and running. That’s cool.


That’s awesome


That is so far beyond my skill level and very jealous.


Well, to be fair, it’s a Subaru. So Subaru engines are actually fairly easy to pull out versus other types of cars.




but yeah, I was able to, you know, crank over, you know,
at a quick glance you can see which cars of the junkyard had broken timing belts that you didn’t want to didn’t want to mess with.
And then you can see which cars likely had a good engine in it
and then you can go in and compression for the compression test it by crank cranking it by hand a bit and see which ones feel good.




So, I did that.


Well, nice.
That’s cool.
Skill set that I’m in DSO that’s for sure.


I was able to use a welded nut to the top of some stuff some broken bolts on this engine to and successfully pull them off.


That works.


But yeah, I’ve only been successful using that technique like, I think maybe once before.
Or yeah, you you stick a nut on the end of a broken bolt, weld it and turn it into a into a new bolt, essentially, and then back and then back it then back it out.


Nice. I think I’ve only tried that once or twice and I’ve had success every time,
but I do remember once where I started torquing on it and my weld broke loose because my weld sucked and had to do it again,
but I think that was really the only failure.




Still, it’s a nice trick.
Very nice trick.


So, yeah, I was pretty pleased that that worked out and, you know, a whole whole kit and cabootle
my, my car is, at least as far as the engine job went, it went pretty smoothly, you know, except excepting that and, um, yeah.




Very nice.


Good deal


Nice to be driving my own car again.


I bet.
I bet.




Yeah, that was my week.


Care to regale us with the adventures of your week?


So, you guys, you guys know that you are supposed to use hairspray on your bed when you print right like all the time.


Oh. Uh. Yeah.
According to you. Yes.


I I have failed you Andy


Well, my, my, if I don’t know with my with the way I’ve just got my, my bed set, if I’m, if I use hairspray, I’m not, I’m not sure anything will get my print off that print bed.


No kidding.
I guess I should specify those of us with with plate glass beds using hairspray and not textured beds.
But the hairspray that I have always sworn by is RAV4,
RAV4X mega hold or something like that. It was the cheapest hairspray you could buy at Walmart.
And it’s got the vinyl chloride stuff in it.
I think it’s vinyl chloride vinyl something. And it worked really, really, really good way better than Aquanet that everybody kind of preaches.


Thanks to our RAV4X sponsors.


And yeah, they don’t know. No, they’re garbage.
So, I ran into a problem a couple weeks ago where they did a brand, not a brand change, but they refreshed the look of their product.
And the can looks totally different, but it’s fine. And when I bought it, I got substituted at Walmart for their RAV5X hairspray.


Oh no.


And this kind of threw me off a little bit because it doesn’t work as good.
The 5X stuff is really weird. The way it sprays out of the can is more like a Super Soaker kind of kids spray toy than it is, you know, misty.
And the actual hairspray itself


You don’t like that in your hairspray


not really, no.


I think it’s so that it’s less likely to give people lung cancer.


Yeah, something like that. Anyway, and it really doesn’t, it wasn’t working at all.
And I don’t think it’s got any of the vinyl stuff in it, but I didn’t realize any of this when I was trying it.
Excuse me. So, you know, I wound up fighting that for a little bit. And then coming back to purchase some of the correct stuff.




And when I started using it, it didn’t seem to be working very good.
And I had a lot of variables changing with my prints.
At the time I started to print a cheaper PLA off of Amazon that I can get for like $12 a spool, something like that.
I think it’s overture. No, no, no, this was elegoo stuff.




It was like $12 a spool for a kilogram. And it’s, I would call from, I don’t know for certain from my past experiences,
and with the changes I was dealing with my hairspray that this stuff wasn’t as good.
I was thinking that the PLA might have been just cheaper PLA. And I wasn’t really having adhesion problems,
but I was having a little bit of warping problems, which is new because I usually don’t use any kind of adhesion aid other than hairspray.
So there’s no brims or anything like that to help with warping.
And here I would start in to get a little bit of warping.
And so I was kind of fighting through that. And I’ve got my, my 4X rav hairspray, and it seems to, it’s like not working well,
it’s pilling up from the bed.
And when it, when the piece would warp, it would pull the layer of hairspray with it and the layer of hairspray was just coming off of the bed.
It was really, really kind of strange.
And so after some experimentation, I wound up cleaning the whole bed off, and I couldn’t get this crap off the bed of my printer.
It like, I used to just put a little bit of water on it, wipe it off,
just wipe the water back off kind of smeared around a little bit and wipe the water off, add a little bit of more water.


Well, now it’s.


And it would dissolve because it’s just the hairspray


Yeah, it was like four times doing that. And it was either have a clean bed, and this stuff, it’s not touching it at all. And so I


Oh, so now you’re working into glass cleaner, right?


Yeah, no, I wound up using some 405 cleaner, just all purpose cleaner that I had down here,
and it did strip it off with some scrubbing, but it was, it was terrible and I’m so I’m confused also try to get heated and cool on the bed too.
So it’s weird that it’s peeling up when a print is starting to warp.
It’s just peeling the hairspray up off the bed like a film of plastic. And yet I can’t scrub this stuff off with water.
It’s really, really weird. So I got the whole bed cleaned, and I tried again with the forex I also went online and checked and,
and they they’re preaching same great formula different look, you know,
no, it is not the same formula there is something sketchy with the new hairspray
Four bottles of their darn hairspray,
mainly because I was trying to put purchase the old bottle from online so that I could really have something
is this really the problem or do I got something else going on.
I just barely changed to what I think it is cheaper PLA so I don’t know if that’s the problem.
Got a lot of weird stuff going on here.
And then it finally hit me, I’ve still got a can of Aquanet that I put up in my daughters hair care products is normal hairspray,
Because you know I didn’t really like it for 3d printing.
But that’s because I had to scrub it like twice as much to get it off.
That was my biggest complaint about it. And that’s like, not a big deal compared to the problems I’m having here.
And so I use some Aquanet clean the whole bed again. Again, it does not dissolve in water at all that hairspray does not dissolve anymore and


Rubbing alcohol or what what’s the


No, you want, you want something that is a plastic absolvent something kind of like finger nail.




Acetone that’s the one I was trying to think of


Yeah Acetone. Finger nail polish remover.


Now Andy is so concerned about stinking up his house that acetone may not be the right move either


You know, so it’s not working. And I use the Aquanet and I get it all cleaned off the bed. I put some Aquanet down.
All of my problems go away. It’s back to being perfect the way it was,
except that cleaning it off the part like requires a little bit of extra agitation.
It takes me out twice as long because before I would just run it under water and wipe it off with my hand a couple of times and it was gone
with the Aquanet, you kind of scrub it a little bit, you know,
and then it’s gone it’s not much of a I don’t have to like scrub it off or use anything it’s still just dilutes or dissolves in water you know,
Is that what you got there Chris he’s showing a can of hairspray.


Yeah, that’s Aquanet.


Yeah, yeah the unscented big purple can right.




Yeah, so.


Flammable avoid heat.


Yeah, here I am sticking it into my enclosure full of heat.
I don’t know what’s going on with the with the RAV4 stuff but I’m completely abandoning it and go into Aquanet for now.
I might try a couple other hairsprays to see if I can find something that was as good as the RAV4
but the RAV4 is not good and and any any shade I threw at
Yeah, I love Elegoo’s printing or Elegoo’s PLA was unwarranted to because it wasn’t the PLA’s problem
PLA is just fine it’s printed beautifully back there now that I’ve got my proper adhesion stuff so


Yeah, no, I buy elegoo.
Amidst all the other cheap stuff I buy too, and It’s been some of the better stuff.


Yeah, I was going to say I’ve always had, I’ve always thought LLU was a great product.


I do I love Elegoo but just the first time I use their PLA was the midst this
and so I couldn’t tell is the PLA the problem you know, because I was able to buy it so much cheaper.


So Andy I
Know that you are severely opposed to this idea


Oh yeah, absolutely.


I’m gonna suggest that you try a test print in your heat soaked
Environment without in without any adhesion and see how it does


Without hairspray.


I can give it a shot. I can give it a shot. Yeah.
Either way, I’m back to being able to print like normal again which is good and Aquanet’s always available
so that I’m back to being fine again, but I will have to try without because if that works, actually, you know what to be absolutely honest.
I’ll go into this a little bit more here.
The amount of electricity is that I will wind up using to heat my enclosure here might be better played out using hairspray.
I think I’d prefer hairspray than running it hot all the time.




Now on to that I got my my wonderful enclosure set up here. Let me show that to you guys here.
Kind of cool.


Visual listening here.
We got.


Mm hmm. So here’s, here’s my enclosure that I got set up. It’s quite a bit bigger than my printer.




It’s just, it’s just, it’s as, it’s as big as your dryer.


It is huge, but it holds the entire printer.


It’s bulging.


Now Chris was asking me earlier why I decided to keep my spool inside the enclosure,


Well, it fits.


and that that that one of the biggest reasons for that is that the amount of heat you’re going to heat the enclosure up to is only going to be about 60 Degrees Celsius, 70 degrees Celsius somewhere in that range,
which is…


Well, about the same as your plate bed.


Yeah, which is is fine. Well, I mean for for PLA I don’t even heat the bed.
But for PETG, I do heat it to anywhere between 50 to 70 it depends on how flat I’m printing.
If I’m printing a big flat thing on the bed with straight lines, I’ll tend to use more heat and if it’s not very much contact with the bed, I’ll I’ll use, you know, very little heat so.
But the air that will be inside of this printer is going to be very dry. So I think having the spool in that area would be better for this.
Now, some people might be concerned about wet noodle problem because it you know the the plastic does get a little bit more soft.
And one thing that is very different about my setup is I am water cooled. I have a very cold below ambient temperature cold zone on my my heater, and it stays very cold, even inside the heated chamber.
So as soon as it soon as the PLA gets to that part, it is cooled down substantially before going into the hot end, and that’s able to keep me from dealing with any heat creep.
So I haven’t.


And it you’d have the added benefit of reconditioned. Well, you wouldn’t have to recondition it would stay conditioned as long as it was in the
The tent


And the, and being used, but yeah.


Yeah, yeah.
So that’s kind of the plan. I did learn a few things about my heated enclosure. Now the one I got for our visual listeners is like a tent. It’s like if you took a pizza delivery bag and turned it into a turn it into a tent.


And blew it up.


And so it’s you know it’s got the shiny inside and whatnot but


Yeah, it literally looks like a pizza pizza.


A little bit of insulation


Yeah, a pizza delivery bag, except it’s the size of a dryer appliance.


Yeah, no kidding.
And I got an oversized you can tell that the box I’ve got here is bigger than what I needed. But if you guys look at my bed, the way my bed mounts is through, you know, bolts in the front.
My bed is a 300 by 300 millimeter print surface. But as you can see my bed is actually quite a bit longer than it is wide.



Bolts in the front party in the back.


Well, bolts in the back too actually but…


And yeah, yeah, and and
Yeah, and that caused it so when my bed is slinging out to its maximum and all the way back to its minimum. I’ve got quite a bit more space forward and backward that I need.
And so you can see in this current enclosure, I actually need the amount of space I had here.


Ah. whereas unlike my printer, my printer only goes past the past the front feet by like maybe 10 millimeters at best at most, whereas yours is quite a bit more.


One thing.
Yeah, it’s almost four inches on both sides past the past the feet of the printer. So, so that’s mainly the reason why I needed a bigger one now looking at this one thing I could have considered is you can see that the front window, when it the way it zips up it also zips across the
Ceiling of the enclosure, I probably could have got away with tilting this whole thing sideways, you know, on its back, and still would have been able to use it and because it’s much taller than it is long.
And, but then I wouldn’t have been able to have the window and stuff like that. So, even though I got a big one you can see I actually did need this particular dimension to be this large.


Well, it looks.
It looks bigger on the inside.


Yeah, another thing that I realized is that when I first got this, I tried firing it up and printing something on the inside and with my bed heated up to 70 degrees, actively printing PETG because I was making my new, my new spool holder.
um the temperature on the inside of here only raised by about five degrees. So the printer itself does not produce enough heat to actually heat this enclosure. So, what I decided to do.


Oh, our dreams of using the enclosure to recondition our plastic.


Well at least with that kind of volume air volume to warm up




So, what I decided to do is I got one of these little tiny ceramic heaters that I can put inside of here. And my idea was they make heaters for enclosures but they’re like 60 or 70 bucks.
And so I decided what I will do is I’ll buy one of these cheap ceramic heaters this one’s a 300 watt heater I think a 500 watt, the 500 watt heater.


Turn up for what?


What’s that.


Said turn up for what?


Oh no 500 watts so it uses 500 watts of power and…+


Is poor bad joke.


Oh, sorry.
But one of the things I was thinking to do and is first off I’ll put it in here and I’ll just see how hot it gets. And it topped out at about 63 degrees Celsius on the inside here.
And that was it running all the time. It looks like the thermal protection for the heater is higher than 60 C. So I was considering initially of making a thermostat for it, a digital thermostat so I can control the heat.
But I think I might leave it the way it is right now having it run all the time this enclosure is not very insulated.
So it’s losing heat itself, and it seems to top out at like about 63 degrees Celsius before that.


You had one job


Yeah, that’s as hot as it will get.


Hot box.


So I’m going to give this a shot I might try to print some nylon today and see how it goes but about 60 degrees Celsius is pretty good for an enclosure temperature I think.
And if I honestly need more I can consider getting some insulation wrap for the enclosure if I really need to, and got enough room to even put the insulation on the inside if I wanted to, but you know we’ll see how it goes.


Like some pink housing or household insulation and it would fill the volume too so that you wouldn’t have to put so much energy into heating it


Yeah, really.


Well, even, even my enclosure that I’m mostly put together is going to be lined simply with that cheap silver bubble wrap.


Okay, that’s still add some insulation I mean just the one that I got is that there’s just no insulation at all, it is just that foil material on the inside and like a canvas on the outside.




So, another thing that I thought was kind of funny about this one is the front screen of it is a clear piece of vinyl.
And from what I read that kind of vinyl that PVC vinyl has a max temperature of about 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
So whatever that is in Celsius it’s above the I’ll be heating it above the glass point for the the vinyl that makes up the window here.
So, I’ve decided just to go ahead and go with it I’m not going to worry about the temperature the vinyl deals with if the vinyl does start to go.
I’ll replace it with a piece of plexi of just hard plexi glass, and I’m sure that’ll be just fine.


With hot glue.


I don’t know how I’ll connect it.
That’s a problem for future Andy he’ll figure it out he’s pretty smart.


He’s got a 3d printer


So yeah, it’s right there.


63 Degrees Celsius is 145.4 Fahrenheit


Okay, so I’m running it really right there so we’ll see what happens to it.
It will probably find that’s not the melting temperature that’s the plastic deform glass point temperature of the vinyl.


And that also with the inside temperature that discounts the outside temperature affecting it too. Soo…
You may be okay


So, it.
Yeah, yeah that’s true there.
You got a good point yeah because it will be exposed to the outside so.
I didn’t check you know next time I got this warm, I’ll get the thermal camera out and check the surface temperature of the outside and see what temperature it’s getting up to but you’re probably right it probably will be just.


Oh really.


And you’ll know right away because the window won’t disconnect, but it’ll definitely start shrinking and you’ll notice that.




Or waving or melting


I’ll keep an eye on that, but it is kind of neat in here I got the thermal camera once it was up to temperature and was kind of looking around in here it’s neat seeing everything so hot on the inside.
And then just in my whole extruder assembly, being only at about 55 degrees, and then the hot end below that, you know at 200 200 degrees.


Yeah, that.


These, these water cooling your cold side of your printer is is pretty neat for the for an enclosure like this, I think.


I find it interesting that is, is that the, the, the radiative assembly on the outside of the enclosure.


So, yeah, you can kind of see, I’ve got two hoses right here that are going into it, and this whole gear box is is metal, and I think I showed pictures before the cold side, where the filament goes through, kind of like a radiator on the non water cooled
This one here it’s just going through a big piece of metal that is this pop this this heat block,




this water water cooling block, and so it goes through there.


So instead of having a heat sink you’ve just got the the water cooled channels inside it and
Like a regular ready radiator at that point


Yeah, and then it goes straight into the the, what’s it called the heat break tube, the bimetal heat break tube and then right up into the head.
And this is what I was talking about earlier Chris now that I can show you that I’ve only got about 15 millimeters from the top of the nozzles melt zone to where the gears are that actually push it through, push the filament through.




So my wet noodle, or my yeah my wet noodle problem is only like 15 millimeters long, and this completely got rid of all of my problems with printing TPU.
You can see this extruder this is the h2 extruder, they call it the h2o for the water cooled version of it, but it’s very small. It uses a Neema 19 I believe instead of a 17.
You can see it’s substantially smaller than your typical Neema 17.
So I get plenty of torque, but I do have an upper speed limit I think my max speed I can move filament through it is only about 20 millimeters a second,




and that is mostly the limitation of my controller being an eight bit controller.
So it just can’t tell the stepper motor to turn much faster so there’s an upper limit to that but 20 is that does that you say only but that does affect retraction speeds, because you may not be pushing the filament out anything close to that.
But when you retract,




yeah you do you do have it you know you do kind of notice it so if you’re trying to retract really super fast, the h2 might not necessarily be for you it does have an upper limit if you’re running an eight bit board.
If you’re running something that isn’t eight bit, you can probably run it quite a bit faster, but that’s mostly because it’s geared down so much, you know, to give you that extra torque.
I’ve got it running on pretty low current, pretty darn low current it’s almost all as far down as you can turn my current limiter on the stepper driver.
So that stepper motor, even though it’s turning a lot, it runs quite cool.
And since it’s also connected to the rest of the feeder that is water cooled, the water cooling also cools that stepper motor so if I ever wanted to to get more torque out of it.
That would be an option but right now it doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.
Another problem I ran into outside of this is I was getting some slight pillowing of the upper services of my prints and a lot of that has to do with not having enough part cooling.
And so I checked my nozzle for my part cooling fan and it is I’ve showed you these in the past it was completely melted closed by nozzle just because it’s you know it sits right next to the the heat block so it was completely closed off again.
And I’ve got to print another one.
I’ve got one that I printed in in PL or in PETG that I was using.
And when I first got my resin printer, I printed one out of resin.
That way I can see how how well it would work and this was before I realized that the cheaper resins you can buy to have pretty big thermal problems it’s worse than PLA.


Yeah, you want, you want to get the, the good stuff if you want it to stand up to heat.


Yeah, and so I did I bought some high temperature resin.
I’ll be getting that tomorrow but I’m going to try to reprint the nozzle for my FDM printer using the resin printer.
And you can see in these nozzles here I’ve shortened them almost as far as they can go they used to have a big nozzle that would come out right here and you know point down directly over the hot end and that worked really good but would constantly melt.
So I’m hoping to take my original design for these and and print it using high temp resin.


The stuff I got claims it can stand up to 230 degrees Celsius.
So we’ll see how that goes.
That should be more than enough figuring I usually never run my hot end hotter than 230 and it doesn’t have to.


And that would take direct contact


Yeah, it doesn’t have to touch the nozzle so…


Good deal


that’s that’s the idea there so we’ll see how this goes I’m going to try to print some nylon over these next this next week and see if I can print something taller than I have been able to.
And I’m also going to try to print under heat using PLA and PETG to see if I notice any benefits.
It’s already turned out pretty good.
Right now you can see I’m dealing with a little bit of Z wobble, and I haven’t I mentioned that last time you guys can see the top of my Z screw is actually mounted.


The bearing is mounted in place.
If I can pull off this knob real quick here.
It’s stuck on there pretty good.
There we go.


Woah, playing with your knob.


Yeah, playing with my knobs.
So you can see the.
Yeah, yeah, that’s right.


That’s right
You you said yours is stabilized whereas newer models are allowed some movement


Yeah, you can see the top of mine goes right through a bearing that is completely locked into place.
So I’m thinking about just removing this bearing and letting it the Z screw walk up here inside of the hole for the bearing.
And hopefully that will get rid of some of my Z wobble that I’m having problems with.
But it’s not that noticeable, like you can barely see it on my print season on camera here.
So they’ve been turning out pretty good.






But so that was that adventure.
I think the only other thing I did is I printed a couple more drawer boxes.
You guys can see my drawer boxes back there, getting a little bit bigger with more, more stuff in them.


I feel like you’ve slowed down a little bit though


Oh, the drawer boxes.


Yeah, I have I’ve been fighting this.
Yeah, when I when I started having a little bit of the curling issues, I stopped printing them until I was able to get that fixed.


That makes sense


Yeah, and now that it’s fixed, I printed one last night and I’m going to keep on going.
I got some brand new fuses and stuff.
You know, I mentioned, I’m going to start including through whole fuses in my projects because I discovered they’re really cheap to buy.
And so I got to put that in. And then I’m kind of running into a problem where I don’t really have big groups of components anymore to go into my drawer boxes.
It’s always a couple, just a couple different kinds of things, you know, I’ve only used like four or five different kinds of MOSFETs.
So to do like a whole little array of drawers of MOSFETs kind of feels funny.
So I’m thinking about getting together a bunch of components that are all about the same size, like physical that would use the physical same physical size drawer and doing them all in one group.
So I might have four or five MOSFETs and they’re all going to be, you know, next to each other in the big drawer box.
But, you know, up till this point, I’ve been taking and, okay, I’m doing all of my resistors, okay, I’m doing all of my inductors, you know, I’m doing all of my capacitors in one big group.
And I’ve kind of run out of these big groups to do. So I think I got to start pulling off a lot of the little things that I use all the time and do those in groups and kind of arrange them by drawer size, instead of, you know, what they are,
Unless there’s components that require a bigger drawer, then I’ll put those aside and deal with them later. But yeah, that’s…


Like capacitors.


yeah, yeah, yeah, my capacitors, all my capacitors were all pretty much the same drawer size.
I use the three by three on all of the electrolytic capacitors, the ceramic capacitors I used a four by four grid, because they’re so much tinier.
But yeah, wasn’t like potentiometers. That one there, I’ve got, I got tons of different kinds of drawer sizes on my potentiometers, you can kind of see over there.




I got all that whole little red group right there is all potentiometers. And I’ve got small drawers, medium sized drawers and big drawers, especially with that wonderful drawer right there that says knob all over it.
I’ve been running around calling everybody pot knobs since I had to make that label.


On my side when you said that you kind of cut out and it felt like you


were censoring yourself.
it was great.


Or or the system was censoring you anyway, I think I’m just gonna leave that in


Oh, okay.


Let let people think what they’re gonna


Just a drawer full of knobs, potentiometer knobs, pot knob. It’s been my insult for people lately, yeah, pot knob.


I like it


Yeah, take off. Eh.


But some that’s pretty much my week, I think I’ve other projects for my son’s.
What’s he doing his play that he’s doing.
We needed to make rocks, I think I remember mentioning that gonna 3D print a rock. And we decided not to do that and to take I think it was Chris that offered the idea of making rocks out of foam.


Yeah, much easier.


So the wife’s been working on these foam rocks that are all different color that look like aquarium pebbles.


That looks like a rock. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. And the kids can pelt each other with them without hurting the rock which is great and I don’t think I’ll even hurt the kid.


Or each other probably should start with not hurting each other and then not hurting the rock but


Not damaging.




They’re kids kids can heal the rocks can’t heal so my my concern is definitely about hurting the rock.




Since I’m the only one without kids I will accept that you’re not our parent so


Oh, it’s all good.


No, I’m just joking about that.


Dad, I dropped my laptop on my toe.
How’s your laptop?


Well, there are sometimes as a parent man where you just they hurt themselves over and over and over. And I’ve had some some bad parent moments where you’ll hear a thump, and then, you know, it’ll start crying.
And instead of being the concerned parent you just been the concerned parent so much for injuries, and it just kind of turns into okay.


What did you learn?


Now what are you leaking do I need to bring a bandaid with me.


Empathy exhaustion


Mine is, mine is generally.
Now what did you learn?


Well your child


Mine has been mine has been that’s why I told you not to do that next time maybe you’ll listen


No kidding.


Chris only barely qualifies as a parent anyway, he’s got an only child


No, I don’t know that’s, you know, going from an only child to having three. It’s a little different but it’s there.




They’re just as dumb as the other two so they know the same problems.
It just the one thing he doesn’t have a whole lot of is the ability for another child to rat on him so there’s problems that come with that. But there’s also solutions because now you’ve got little tiny police officers that kind of monitor each other to some extent.


Happily rat out their sibling


Yeah, yeah, so there’s positives and minuses. It’s about the same amount of work though I think.


It wasn’t me it was him


Well, yeah, but having an, having an only child, you know, when


Did there’s those moments that they take care of each other too.


That’s fair so Kevin did you do anything this week?


when candy bars go missing, there’s only one real culprit.


I did now I didn’t do anything with the fdm printer but
But with the with the sla printer I got that tough resin in


Oh man.


And interesting thing is it’s it’s any cubic brand and this bottle doesn’t say
Even though it was advertised as tough resin this bottle says abs like resin
It’s the same stuff, but then I also noticed that it has it’s gray
This is not the by far not the first bottle of gray tough resin
But all the other bottles of gray tough resin have spelled it g r e y the british way
This one is g r a y the american way, so I just thought that was interesting


Yeah, that’s weird.


Maybe someone was just being more self-conscious about how they labeled things and labeled it for Americans


Yeah, probably um, but what I did with it is I I reprinted the uh the tallest
Uh that viscountess character that I was talking about because um, you may recall
I said I think it was last week that I took it I gave it to the player
She was super happy with it and then within 10 minutes she had broken the staff
And the the character is casting a lightning spell from her hand and that broke off
And so I was like, okay, I’m gonna reprint it not a problem


Oh, geez.


Actually, I had printed another one, but it was standard resin, so I’m like I’m not I’m not gonna mess with the standard resin again
I’m gonna just give her the tough so I printed that one and then I also
Printed this is the uh cobalt character in the campaign zim the green and the the character


Oh, cool.


Not to be confused with Invader Zim


Right, um, the they call him the scaly goblin, but and my camera’s not focusing just a second. Let me
See if I can focus it better. That’s worse




Going the other way going the other way
Okay, so the guy the player wanted it to have the buckler actually strapped to the forearm because titan craft only wanted him to be able to have a like
Holding it with one strap going around the forearm the other one
Being in his um in the character’s hand
But he’s like no, I want the guy to be holding the sword with two hands and I don’t know how to do that


As it’s a double-handed sword


It is a very big sword for his side.


It is a very big sword and titan craft unlike hero forge doesn’t have the
Like grip the weapon with two hands option
And so he’s like, I don’t know how to if you can do anything with this, but this is what I want and I was like
Yeah, dude, uh, I got you and so I did that
I’m gonna present it to him today and he’s gonna be I think he’s gonna be really happy with it




Oh, I just found a support that I need to cut off between the character’s chest and the sword. Anyway, then


That’s not where I thought you were going with that.


Then there’s the uh goblin engineer character clank. No, this is yeah, this is clingwack, I think


Wow, I was thinking Clang Destine.


So he’s got his heavy armor and the halberd and the war hammer


That’s a lot of stuff to carry I’d be worried about tripping over my gear


Yeah, but it it’s pathfinder. So you just kind of hand wave some of that away and then finally


You mean like you know a lot of RPGs where you you carry a bunch of stuff in your backpack that doesn’t normally fit


It’s bigger on the inside.


And then finally there’s this spark boom
Um, kind of it’s the gunslinger and the group and the the player


Had actually done a mock-up of the character on hero forge
And he sent me a screenshot of that and said if you can make it look
Approximately like this
Then except have it be female because the one he did on hero forge was a male goblin




Harry goblin and I I was like sure thing
So you can’t really tell because of how she’s holding the gun
But this is a female template and I actually


It looks like John Adams was a goblin.


But um, I actually
Perfectly recreated in titan craft what the guy had done on hero forge
Even though Titan craft doesn’t have the capability Innately to have the character hold the weapon with both hands
If you’re good with titan craft though, you can do it yourself. So that’s what I did


Good deal


So they don’t get brittle.


And I’m not planning on putting any of these in the cure station
Because it’ll keep it yeah, I mean because I know that I I used the tough resin


Which kind of what you want so


So it won’t be as brittle as standard resin anyway
But if I don’t cure them at all, then they’re still going to be boingy


Well, if you’re just exposing them to a little oingo boingo instead of the cure, I think you’ll be okay.


I will take your word for it see my previous comment about listening to alternative


80 cents, man.


So does the does the ABS like residents seem to work work well for staying flexible on your models?


Yeah, um, I have I have used the uh, the tough resin for other models that I have actually cured and they do just fine


In In my house and I actually I actually printed um, a few of those for my sons and one of them in particular had a dnd club at his elementary school so he would take on dnd days
He would take a couple of the miniatures that I had printed to school with them and they were and I had cured those
And they were just fine
I just want to be a little extra careful with these ones by not putting them in the cure station


Makes sense.


Sounds fun
You’ll have to let us know if that has the desired effect even then I mean even if they only last like a week longer
Well, I mean in game a week longer


I just had the thought that you have an FDM printer, so maybe you can start printing up some of those Rough and Tumble boxes.


I’ve I’ve actually got one
Um that I made out of uh a box that I got from work and padding that I got from work
And and that’s actually what I gave to kyle to take the miniatures to and from school in




And so that’s what I use to transport them. I’m saying though that like it was this the player herself
Broke the uh rhe miniature by um


Mishandling it, and dropping it.
That’s normal.


And so that was but like I said, that was with standard resin
Which is a lot more brittle than this tough resin. So I’m pretty sure this is going to
Have the desired effect and it’ll last for quite a while




Good deal


Speaking of things not lasting as long as you would hope
Um last night


Did you already break the one statue


No, no, no, no, um last night
Kyle came in and was wanting to
And he said I think I need to hot glue this
I didn’t see what he was talking about because he was talking to jess


And then he said oh, or maybe I’ll try super glue first
We went to disneyland a couple weeks ago actually it’s probably closer to a month now
Um and
In the star wars area he had built his own lightsaber
And last night he had it outside and he cracked it


Oh boy




And um
He was mishandling it
He was using it in a manner not intended by the people who made it
And so we were discussing options and and he said well, maybe we can find a replacement blade online
I don’t know that we’ll be able to
Because it’s a pretty specialized thing like they want you to be at disneyland to do that
But I said to him
Dude, I’ve got a couple of 3d printers
We could probably 3d print our way out of this if we can’t find a solution online




It would i’m like it looking at the design. I was like it would be
Difficult for me at all to come up with something if I can’t
Find something that somebody has already done
And I said and I
So I I did say if I were to use my resin printer
I’d have to shorten
Each segment of the telescoping blade
But I could conceivably get it to where it would telescope out to the same length
And then I would just use because it’s a green translucent blade that he’s got on it
So I was like I just use my green translucent resin and I said and failing that I could get some green translucent PETG and print one on the fdm




Yeah, I mean, and this is where Calipers will really come in handy,




but you can get a really good measurement on the base diameter and then the upper diameter. Yeah.






Sounds like a plan once again keep us posted


Will do


Yeah, it would be nice to get that fixed. That’s a shame that it broke really did. I mean, they know kids are going to hit stuff with them. They should have been made to be able to handle that a little better.


They use an S word.


Well, I mean
Yeah, you’re using the s word there and and


James was trying to say the
James made the same point and I said well, they I’m sure what they had in mind was the
Little kids like… younger than 10 are gonna have it and they’re gonna be swinging it around and it’s probably
Meant to withstand those kinds of things because they also probably figure that
Anybody older than 10 is going to say, okay
I can tell that this is kind of flimsy plastic
So I better not try to wail on my friends with it as hard as I can
But not cause any permanent damage if we make contact
And then also realizing that the the the lightsaber itself is going to be hit against other lightsabers and stuff
And so I said, you know, they’re they’re probably anticipating that you’re just going to be
Swinging it hard enough that you’ll be able to tell you got hit but not really
Mame each other and so if you block it with your lightsaber there, it’ll be fine
What they weren’t intending on when they designed this
Was that you would take it outside and start wailing on the metal poles of your trampoline as hard as you can with it




Okay, so to be fair.
If a kid broke it doing that, he deserved what he got.


I would tend to agree myself


Yeah, and and so we were like, okay. Yeah, dude, you were using it in a manner that is not its intended use
And that’s why it broke


Why did these parts keep falling out of my clicky hammers?


Well, I think we’re good to go does anybody have anything else they want to share real quick


Not really. I think that’s about it for me this week. Yeah.
Oh, Kevin, inside of your inside of your curing station,
Your washing cure station, does your alcohol evaporate?


Um not really because it’s got


Do you got a lid on the container itself inside of the cure station?
You do. Okay.
Mine does not have a lid and I have lost like four cups of alcohol.
Just since I last used it, I’ve been noticing that the level is dropped quite a bit.


Yeah, that’ll happen without a lid


And you’ll get concentrated resin instead of cleaning solution.


I might have to 3D print one for it.
I don’t know.
I would expect it should have came with a lid, but it didn’t.


That’s an odd oversight.


It is not.
That’s not oversight.


I say that’s an odd oversight


Oh, yeah.
Anyway, just something I noticed.


Um, yeah. Um, I was thinking that I designed my enclosure to have my spool mount on top. So I’m going to be doing that. So my, my spool is not going to be in the enclosure like yours is Andy.


No, that’s fine. That’s why I see most people do it anyway.
There may be a reason to it that I haven’t stumbled across yet.


But the nice thing is that the way my spool, my spool mount is made, it is very easy for me to just keep the same spool mount, the same nice spool mount with the roller bearings and metal frame and just mount that straight to the, to the enclosure.


Yeah, that’s good.


So I’m looking forward.


That is one thing that was kind of sad with this one here is I couldn’t use the original spool
Holder that I made that way back in the day that I was really proud of anymore.
I still got it. I wound up keeping it. It’s got some sentimental value.
That was like the first real design I ever made.


It’s so strange Andy you you and your sentimentality


So, yeah, a pair of bonds with everything.
Yeah, got personality to me.


Yeah, honestly, that’s kind of why I keep you around too so


Sentimental value.


Oh, thanks.


Some personality


Some personality.


Yeah, that is some personality.


And on that note we’d like to thank everyone for listening to the very end


Very, very end.


If you like what you hear please give us all the stars and subscribe
We are available through a white variety of podcast vendors and so we’re easy to share if you have feedback
You can find us in our Facebook group amateur 3d pod. You can email us at Franklin, Kevin, Andy, or Chris @amateur3dPod.com or you can email all of us collectively at panelists @amateur3dPod.com
Kevin Buckner wrote the music for this episode
Open ai’s whisper completed the heavy lifting for the transcripts which are linked in the description
Our panelists are me Franklin Christensen and my friends Kevin Buckner, Chris Weber, and Andy Cottam
Until next time we’re going offline


Keep your FEP tight


Always use good quality hairspray meant for 3D printing or not necessarily meant for printing, but works well for 3D printing.


Or maybe don’t


Oh man.


If you don’t want adhesion issues, use hairspray.


I got a new trailer but I think I forgot something.
So when I hit the road, it went off without a hitch.


That was like a freight train I saw it coming I was standing on the tracks and I could not move


And you could not avoid it.


That’s a good one.