087 – Andy and his hairspray

Producer’s Note:

Where the ADHD is concerned, it’s a wonder that I have been so on top of the transcripts as I have.
This week it won harder than ususal. What that looks like in this case is the Transcripts haven’t been updated to match the episode so well.
The words are mostly there, but they are going to be out of sync with the episode because I don’t have the Executive Functions to do it in a timely manner.
Please forgive the lapse


Hi, Craig.


It’s the craig.


Hey, Greg!




Thank you for joining us. This is episode 87 of amateur 3d podcast a podcast by amateur printers for amateur printers where we share our thoughts and experience
Our panelists this week are me Franklin Christensen and my friends Andy Codham Chris Weber and Kevin Buckner
And I feel like we’ve not had all four of us together for a while


Yeah, it’s been a little bit


About three weeks, yeah


Even though it was episode before last when we were all together and then episode before before thatwe were all together.
So I Just like to see you guys, you know


Yeah, good deal. Absolutely


And a long week you guys are my people


I don’t know why this thing’s this thing’s scary ugly


Yeah, it’s okay. We’ve learned to get over it.




We’ve got our own issues in that particular area.


There’s a reason I grow the beard


except Kevin looks delightfully evil all the time


Oh, yes. Yes, he is definitely the evil twin.


Under statement of the year guys actually it is amusing I think it’s partly because of the ear piercings and partly because of the beard
But I’ve actually seen people clutch the pearls whenever I come within their eye line and it’s amusing.


Oh, really?




You don’t look scary. You are a tall guy though, so there’s a lot of Frank when you’re out and about, so it could be just sheer size kind of thing.


That’s true
Actually it was funny
My wife and I have some friends with some of the neighbors we hang out with right and their daughter
They all go to church together and that sort of thing and the daughter
Actually defended me in class at one point. She’s like no, he looks scary, but he’s a good guy and it’s like
I look scary


Oh, that’s us that’s me I think


Yeah. Oh, that’s good.


And I can’t help but wonder though
You know, they were on the topic of me being scary before she defended me


Okay, I think it’s just your size. Yeah.


I’m not scary I’m intense. I can be intense. I know I can be intense, but I
Most people I I don’t understand why people are afraid of me


I don’t know. If it’s anything, I think it’s just size. You’re a tall guy.


Probably you just you’re tall


I’m the big dumb guy in grapes of wrath though, I mean


Just a big dummy.


Not very smart just, you know intense whatever I am a little more articulate than he was so that there’s that but


Yes, very much so.


And occasionally, you know, I have to flex yes, I have read the grapes of wrath
Andy did you work on anything this week?


Yeah, I mean, not a whole lot. I got a couple of drawer boxes done and setting those up. I am getting frustrated though with my adhesion.




You know, I complained a little bit last podcast about having normal adhesion issues again. I never used to have adhesion issues with my old hairspray, but they don’t make my hairspray anymore. In fact, over this last week,


Yeah, I sent you guys a, I sent you guys a link to the red article about the guy complaining about it, too.


yeah, there’s like no place to go. I mean, everybody keeps on talking about Aquanet. Aquanet is, from my experience, the next best thing, but I’ve gone and scoured eBay for old cans of the hairspray that I was using.
I don’t know what I’m going to do. I did find a seller though that has the same old hairspray, but it’s not the spray cans. It’s the pumps, yes.


None of us all.


And so I bought some of that. If it works the same as the aerosol cans, she’s got four cases of 12, and she’s selling them for about $5 apiece, which is reasonable.
And I got the OK from the wife just to buy her out. So that’s my plan right now is just postpone the inevitable problem here.




But I’ve also, while I’ve been scouring for those cans, about half of what I have bought are people who look like they’re selling the old stuff and then they ship the new stuff.
So I’ve been returning a lot of new stuff, but half of the returns don’t want the product back. And so I’ve got a lot of the brand new rave crappy hairspray.


Well, put him to use at the life salon, I guess.


I’ve got like seven or eight cans of it that I have. I’ve not paid for a single one because, you know, they’re saying that it’s the old one and then they ship you the new one.


Is that the new one


Yes, Frank. That is the crappy stuff. Yes. That stuff is garbage.


This gives me more more stick than I need I think you’re just crying to cry dude, I


No, I think it’s a difference between the texture bed and the glass, glass plate.


Oh, really?


I’ve got the I’ve got the smooth tempered plate






We got the same kind of bed, so I don’t know. But yeah, that stuff’s not the best. I don’t like it. It doesn’t wash off worth anything.
Like, you actually got to scrub it to wash it off, and I don’t like that at all. This old stuff, you hit it with water and it just melts away.
It’s almost instant. When I take a part and stick it under the sink to wash it off, and it’s just rubbing about two or three times, and then it’s done.
It instantly comes off. It’s really convenient, and cleaning it off the bed is really super easy, too, so compared to the new stuff.


Have you tried something like rubbing alcohol? Like a solvent? Yeah.


To get it off? Yeah, I had to last time. I wound up having to use 405, that all-purpose cleaner.
I wound up taking it off pretty easy. Yeah, but I had to use special chemicals to get it off my bed. When the old stuff, a little bit of water. Yeah.


Oh yeah.


The good stuff that you use in the kitchen, right?


Yeah, just a little bit of water with the old raves, so I’m postponing it. I’m sure when I have to make it. I mean, the Aquanet does work.




It’s just not what I want. I used to have this amazing amount of adhesion. You guys always heard me never talking about any kind of adhesion issues.
I don’t use brims and stuff or new to me. I don’t like using them. You know, helper discs. I’ve also used those, and I never used to have to use anything at all.
I kind of want to get back to that. Right now, I’ve still got the opportunity to buy out people who were kind of hoarding the stuff for pretty reasonable prices, about 5����.��ℎ����ℎ���������������������,���������5acan.IthinkwhenIwasbuyingitinstore,itwaslike3 a can, give or take, so it’s not that much more. It’s still reasonable price, but once I run out of that as an option, I’m going to have to change to something else.
Or just go back to just printing with a brim every once in a while when I am printing big stuff. Stuff like this right here, my drawer boxes, it’s 120 by 80 millimeter.
I do have curling problems when I print with no adhesion at all. That seems to be kind of normal, but when I printed these boxes here that are maybe 30 millimeters by 80 millimeters, even the Aquanet did just fine.




So it’s not like it’s the end of the world. It’s just not what I want.
And so, and now that I’ve got a can that I can really read the ingredients for and stuff like that, I even considered like, what if I were to sit down and research each one of these ingredients and see if I can just buy the components myself and make my own.


And he’s pulling up in it, pulling up to some chemical factory in a trailer.
Hey guys, you know, one of those big, like, like those big resin vats free, we had it, the sazlon, you know.


Yeah, yeah. So I don’t know what my options are going to be, but we’ll see.


Hey guys, fill this up with polypoper Lee.
Look at me.


But for right now, I’m just going to postpone the herd a little bit and go with purchasing stuff just online.
I’m probably buying it about 150% the cost, I can say about $5 a can.
And if the hand pump spray does work, that’s what I say, four cases of 12, something like that.
I’ll have to double check the A listing on top of however much that she winds up selling in between now and after I test it because I bought one three pack and to see how well it works because she only sells them in threes.
And if that works, then I’m going to buy the rest.
So, but other than that, the Peltier plates on my printer went out.
I think I talked about that last time.
I just received new ones, but I haven’t swapped them out yet.
I’m still printing without Peltier, but it works just fine for cooling the head for PLA and PETG.
It doesn’t need to be really cooled down.
But if I’m going to print TPU to get rid of like the wet noodle clogging and stuff like that, it’s better to have the really cold, cold and cold side of the hot end cold.


No, yeah.


And so I’ll have to swap out the Peltier plates and get the cooler working again before I print TPU because last time I printed TPU, it didn’t really turned out okay, but it’s not as good as I would have liked it to be.


It’s not as pretty as usual


Yeah, yeah, it’s usable. It’s got little burgers here and there.
I’m not too happy with that.
But this is because when I was printing TPU with the Bowden system and fighting clogging with that, one of the things that you’ll see online all the time, people saying with TPU is to don’t do retractions and to try to go slow.
That’s kind of like the major things to stop TPU from clogging and giving you problems.
But through my experience, I discovered like every time I would sit and try to be printing something out of TPU that was bigger is I would get, you know, so much printed out and then it would clog.
And it seemed to be about the same amount of printing would happen before I got a clog.
And I ruled out things like the role of TPU being bad, like maybe when they were pulling it out a big role of it or something, you know, across one entire side of a big role at the factory got messed up.


That would be an inconsistency


And so like every time you get back to that part, you’re getting clogs or something like that, you know, but I’ve gone through.


Over time though since you would be printing different volumes with each project so that would be expected to move wouldn’t it


Well, no, because it seemed to be about how much TPU it printed over time.
So if they were, if they were rolling it in a big factory, let’s say on like a 60 inch drum or something like that, before they rolled it onto the small ones that, you know, that they sell.
And maybe something happened along one side of the entire thing, or maybe it was left too hot and it drooped on on one end and made it, you know, thicker or something like that.


Any numbers things could affect that yeah


And then when they roll it off, you know, yeah, every 60 inches or so, you might run into a problem.
But, you know, I’ve gone through several roles of TPU from different manufacturers and it seemed about the same.
However, when I’m watching a print trying to get something printed, as soon as I see it start to clog up, start to stall.
I noticed that if I, because while it’s printing, if you pull the filament out and put it back in, that’s all it needed.
And it would start printing again.
And things that had big bases that printed a lot, big surfaces would, would often clog a lot.
But if it was, if it was something smaller and taller, it would clog less.
And it occurred to me that this was back when I wasn’t restricting my retractions that you get more retractions on taller things, because it would, you know, retract for each new layer, then you would, you know, the big flatter things.
And so playing around, I discovered, gosh, if I, the more retractions I can put into this, the less likely it is to clog.
It’s like it resets that timer on how much it can extrude before it clogs again.
And so I wrote a nice script, a nice little program that can inject retractions into any G code and to like just put retractions in the infill, you know, or be able to avoid the outer shell with retractions.
And, you know, to retract before you go to the outer shell so that you can get a nice good clean run for the outer shell before it pops back in and has to retract again, you know, to give it the best opportunity possible.
You know, how far should it go, how many millimeters it should extrude before it tries to get another retraction in and it just injects a retraction where, you know, it just stops on a line, retracts real quick and then keeps going.




And that nearly completely got rid of the clogging issue.
But when you’re retracting so much, you get little blobs of plastic that come, yeah, little pimples.




Is that a TPU car bar?


And so that that’s the problem that I sacrificed for being able to print fully without blogs is is I get I get little pimples and kind of see them up there.
They’re not, they’re not too bad, but no, no, the part I’m holding here is it’s a handle for my locating equipment.
It’s got my locating equipment to a big box, but it’s got loops on each side for a strap, and I don’t like using a strap I just want to handle.
So I made this handle that I can attach to that that was just printed flat, and then I could just bend it in the shape of a handle, and it can hold some other components and stuff that I use on the equipment.
So I just, I needed a new one because before the handle used to have a round part in the middle and then it was flat going out to the the lap the the part that you would anchor it to.
And I wound up getting some delayering. And so I wound up printing a new one that had, you know, went from the round handle that you would grab and chamfer down to the flat.
And a very slow, you know, chamfer that way it was much less likely to, to the layer.


It spreads out the force better right


Yeah, yeah.
At least hopefully this is just a second attempt, because the old one is delayed to where when you go to pick it up the round part is completely detached and where it’s flat is is what’s holding all the way so I mean it’s still working at work but it looks like garbage.
I wanted a new one so I was printing this one but when I went to go print this one is when I didn’t have my Peltier cooling system working. So I used, I went back old school and used my retraction injector to make it so that I can print this.
And I tried printing without it and I got like four or five layers before it clogged up on me again so the problem still very much exists and when it comes to my wet noodle problem, you know, I’m using an H2 extruder.
So, from the bottom of my feeder gear to the top of my nozzle through the hot block is only about 15 millimeters.
Very, very, very small distance for the wet noodle problem to exist, you know, for heat creep and stuff like that.
So, but it did still clog up even with that so it’s nice to have a plan B but as soon as I get some time maybe this weekend I’m going to put the new Peltier plate.
I don’t even know which one failed.
I do know I did check the resistance between each one because you know 24 volt system and I’ve got two Peltier plates running in series.
One Peltier runs off of 12 volts because of the other Peltier plate it’s series against.
But I checked the resistance and one has a lot of resistance and one has almost no resistance.
And I don’t know which one’s actually bad.
And since it’s over by my printer, I don’t didn’t have a 12 volt source to check it so I figured I can’t just wire one up anyway so I’ll just wait till I get the new ones.
I’ll just wire resistance and measure it to the ones that are back there and see if I should replace them both, which actually I probably should.
And then keep the one that’s still working that’s old as a backup.


You fun


Yeah, I think that’s what I’ll do.
But other than that, I think that’s all I’ve really done.
Yeah, Chris’s wife, Chris, I’m sure will go over his printer problems but while I was up the other day she asked me if I’d print off something for the daughter.
For the daughter since Chris’s machine’s broken and that’s this little Pokemon box.
And so it turned out pretty nice.
But that’s that.




Oh, you know what I did do something else I made another puzzle for the first time.
And this puzzle, I made 300 piece puzzles.
I’ve been making puzzles by printing out an image on plasticized paper using a spray adhesive and adhering the entire piece of paper to quarter inch basewood board and then cutting out the puzzle using the laser.
And it’s worked out beautifully come out great.
And melting the plasticized paper does something really neat with the laser when you hit it with the laser because the paper melts back on either side.
And so when you’re looking at the individual puzzle piece, it now has like this white outline all the way around the puzzle piece that just makes it look really professional with the way it’s done I love the way they turned out.
But I’ve always made the puzzles with the family, just the size of one eight by 11 sheets that I could run through the laser printer.
And, and that’s that’s for a normal size puzzle piece that’s about 150 pieces that we’ve been doing.
And this time we tried to do one that was bigger we chose a picture that I could do landscape.
And I broke the picture up into two separate prints, both were intended to be only eight inches of usable paper usable print, but I’m printing eight and a half inches of it so both prints overlap each other by that half an inch.
And within that half an inch is where I lined up one row of the puzzle cuts.
So each side will finish that puzzle into that that last puzzle link into the half inch duplicated on both side pieces.




So that way, I can cut one puzzle, and then cut the other puzzle, and they should actually just mesh right into each other.
And I sent you guys some pictures of that it worked out perfect the first time I got it all lined up right.
So the image itself was was lined up correctly within about maybe a full millimeter there might be less than I’m sure there’s less than about a millimeter of error.
It’s kind of hard to tell when it’s like shifted only that much within a puzzle, but it doesn’t look like there’s any shift at all.
So I think it turned out really great and now I’ve got a 11 by 16 inch puzzle that’s 300 pieces, and me and the kids put that together yesterday, and it worked out really, really well.
Now, the only bad thing about it is is those sheets of basewood are like $1.50 a piece, I think something like that.
And so, if I’m going to make even a bigger puzzle than using two boards and by by using four boards instead of two, and doing what would that be like maybe a 21 inch by 16 inch puzzle.
I think if we were to do something like that it’s getting to the point where it’s a little bit more expensive and might not be entirely worth it I’ll save those for like a really good puzzle we want to do or something like that because I could make four smaller
puzzles for that much, you know, but but yeah so those turned out really good.
I’m contemplating contemplating it would be nice to have a more powerful laser.
My laser is great it does the things I want it to do.
But like when I’m cutting a puzzle, I only want to do it in one pass, because as the puzzle pieces get cut out, they fall they slip down.
And if it comes back on a second pass, it’s going to be shifted a little bit one way or the other and it’s going to wind up cutting it the trench bigger, you know in between each puzzle piece.
And I don’t want that so I will only want to do it on one pass.
And in order to make sure that I burn completely through the board like when you’re when you’re burning a board, 95% of it if you get to burn enough to go all the way through the board.
95% of that will will get cut through.
But any little part of the board of the wood that might have been a little bit harder might not burn all the way through it might actually take twice as long to burn through that little part than it would the rest of the board.




So you really kind of have to double up on how long you’ll figure out what the minimum it takes to cut through the board and then blow down twice by half as much to make sure that you get through the whole thing because you can’t really go back.
You can’t really go back after you’ve cut it.
So I’ve got my laser moving at like two millimeters a second, which means one full sheet takes about an hour and 10 minutes to cut out.
It’s a long time to run the laser.
And I’ve just got a 10 watt laser.
And I don’t want to I’m not I don’t want to move to a steel steel to laser yet.
It would be fun to have and there’s some real power in those but those aren’t as nice as the machines I have here.
So my my laser right there up on the wall and that’s where it lives.
If I buy a big CO2 laser, I’m going to need like a whole, you know, a whole desk space in order to run it.


And closure for it, yeah


I can’t just have that.
Yeah, and these it’s amazing.
I mean, it’s really light.
You could see it.
It’s just right there and it’s easy to get to and it doesn’t take up any extra space.
And so I’ve been kind of considering like, what if I can just get a new laser for it that was higher power.
And if I’m going to do that, I want to go a lot further than just, you know, like a 20 watt.
I found that 40 watt is like top of the line.




And that’s when you’re getting to expensive diode lasers.
And so that would be four times as much and getting a laser module for that is about 600���40���������,�ℎ��ℎ�����������ℎ��������������.���������������������������ℎ���ℎ����������������60�����������������400�����.������′����������������������.�ℎ��′�����������ℎ�������������ℎ������������������ℎ����������.���������������������ℎ��60�������ℎ����������ℎ��������������������������������,������������������,�������������������������.���′���������������ℎ�����������������������������ℎ���.�ℎ�������ℎ��������ℎ�����ℎ������ℎ�����������������.�������������ℎ���ℎ������������������������������40����,�′���������������������.�������������������ℎ�����ℎ��������,����ℎ���������ℎ����ℎ�����������������������������.������′�����������������������ℎ�ℎ��ℎ���ℎ����ℎ��ℎ����������ℎ�ℎ����������ℎ��′������������������������������.������ℎ,�������������2�����,�′������������,�������,���ℎ��������80��100����������������2�����,����′��������������600for40wattlaser,whichisalotmorethanIwantedtopay.ButIwaslookingatAliExpresstheotherdayandIcangeta60wattlaserforabout400bucks.AndsoImkindofcontemplatingit.Thatsasixtimesthepoweroutputthatmylittlelaserupthereisdoing.AndIwouldbeabletoaddthat60watttothatframeandhaveitbejustafairlyeasytouselaser,butaprettypowerful,areallypowerfuldiodelaser.SoImkindoflettingthatsetonmyonmybrainforalittlewhile.ThatsomethinglikethatiswhatImightwinduptryingtodo.IfIifIstaywithintheStatesandgetlikeagoodCreality40watt,Imlookingatalotofmoney.ButifIriskitandpurchaseaChineseone,Imightgetsomethingthatcanworkprettyokayoralotless.AndsoImkindofplayingaroundwiththethoughtonwhichwaytogowiththatbecausethatsalotofmoneytospendonanewlaser.Butyeah,andifIgotoaCO2laser,Imstartingout,youknow,atwhataround80to100wattlasersforaCO2laser,butImlookingatlike2 to $3,000 for the laser itself.


You think


That’s a little, little bit much.


So kind of kind of money you don’t sink into it unless it’s going to make your money.


Yeah, exactly, exactly.
So this getting a new laser for it as much as I use this one.
I’m kind of thinking it might be worth it to us to have the more powerful laser with a 60 watt.
I could cut sheet metal with it, which would be really nice.
That would that would actually be really cool to be able to do that.
So, I mean, something like that might open up, you know, open up some doors.
However, with the, when you get, I mean, diode lasers don’t come much more powerful than about six watts.
The only reason they can make them more powerful than six watts is they just have multiple diode lasers in them and then line them all up.
So it’s not one laser, it’s multiple ones.
And the more laser modules you get in the head, like my 10 watt has two five watt diodes in it.
And the more the higher power you go, the more diodes you have, the more chance of getting something misaligned, you know, and having it not work properly.
And you can take them apart and get into them.
If you need to make an adjustment or something, but that’s that’s really high precision, like optical kind of stuff.


I don’t know that I would trust myself to realign the lasers at that point I got fat fingers


So getting a.
So getting another laser, getting another laser that has 10 diodes on the inside of it and expecting them all to stay aligned.
Now, here’s another thing too is I haven’t seen anybody complain about their diet, their diode lasers becoming misaligned.
So I might be a problem is stressing about that might actually not exist.
But yeah, kind of playing with the idea.
My birthday is coming up here in September.
So we’ll see if maybe Andy will be getting himself a new laser module for his laser.




Because I am, I’m using the, I am using that thing a lot of time, even to do simple things like my labels on my drawers.


And it’s less Andy intensive


I mean, you guys see me the other day, I cut them out with the laser instead of using scissors because it’s faster to do with the laser.
Yeah, requires a lot less mental capacity to do it.
And doesn’t hurt the hand operating scissors, both all the little projects we do with the kids and stuff like that, you know, it might be worth it.
I might be able to cut a puzzle out in 10 minutes with a 60 watt laser, instead of, you know, an hour and 10 minutes with my little 10.




But, but yeah, so that’s some that’s kind of something I’m thinking about, but I haven’t really acted on it yet.
There’s a lot of other little little projects like that I would like to do.
I know my for Christmas coming up, I want to make, you know, those kids puzzles that have, they go on to a board, and the board itself is got cut out places for the puzzle pieces to go.
And it’s printed on both the puzzle piece and on the back of the board.




So the kid could see where the puzzle piece goes, and the puzzles usually have like little little nubs little handles on it, you know.
So I want to make one of those for my my nephew.


I didn’t know that they had had one kid already I say already they’ve been married for a little while so


My little brother has got two kids now I don’t know if I told you guys that they’ve had another another son this last week.
So he’s got.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He’s what two years old now.
So it seems about the right age I thought it would be fun to do a gift like that because I do stuff like that for my kids all the time.
So I’m going to make them a little little puzzle out of one of those boards and thought that would be really fun to do.
But little projects like that have been great to do with the kids and as soon as Mike, I don’t see this kind of stuff going away.
I love doing stuff like this.
So as soon as my kids start having kids and I get to be, you know, a grandpa to a bunch of little ones, which I’m after when Dave came by and let me help hold his new baby.
I got baby hungry.
I got really baby hungry again.
And Jenny’s like, No, it ain’t happening.


Your relationship is so backwards from the norm Andy


I mean, like physically, it can’t happen anymore.
So we’re good.




But yeah, I’m I’m.


Usually is the women that I say I just we just lost half of our listenership. I’m sure


I’m I’m.


Stereotypically let’s start there
Stereotypically it’s women who go I’m getting older and start having kids or I need more kids before I get too old or whatever
Your relationship is so weird and and I say that from the perspective of
My wife is the sports person. I’m not sports person
She plays played football. She coaches coached football
women’s football not just you know
What do they call it that the
Alangere League that that’s not what this is. This is full-blown pads
middle-line backers that could smear anybody on the
pavement with without breaking a sweat


Just because it’s women’s football doesn’t mean that they can’t play with the best.




Yeah, they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re women by, by name only the masculinity in that group of girls is strong.
That sounds rude too.
I meant by the capabilities, you know, I’m just digging the hole.




I’m just going to, I’m just going to shut up right now, man.


Yes, my wife could kick my butt if she ever was of a mind too and that’s after being broken because she played football so


I’m digging a hole.


They’re incredibly powerful, Andy.


Yes, yes, yes.




The wife got a good relationship, but you guys know my wife has got some medical issues.


Okay, that’s fair. I wasn’t accounting for that


And so I play, I play a lot of the mom role on top of the dad role.
So yeah, I mean, during the podcast, you guys see me the entire time I’m doing laundry.


No, those roles have


I’m the one doing the dishes.


Those roles have blurred so much in the last 50 years. It’s hard to say specifically


I’m the cook in the house, all that kind of stuff.
It’s not that Jenny doesn’t know her own way though, but


That’s a a man’s role or a woman’s role despite what the the extreme edges say


that is true.


Maintain it together


She’s getting a lot of her medical stuff under control now.
She works two part-time jobs right now.
So I’m, she’s at work right now.
So it’s not like, even though her medical problems kind of put us in a situation to start with, it’s kind of sticking around because it’s what we’re used to.
I mean, I’m the kind of husband.
If Jenny comes down and helps me fold my laundry, I’m going to be thankful.
But the minute she leaves, I’m refolding everything she touched because she can’t do it right.
You know, I’m the one complaining because she has no idea how to load the dang dishwasher efficiently.
A woman thinks she could play Tetris.
No, she can’t play Tetris.
So, and those kind of things I don’t think will change even though she’s coming around the bend and has a pretty normal amount of energy nowadays.
So it kind of is going to benefit our family because she’s moving to the point where she should be able to work full time and make full time money again.
As long as I’m comfortable living the way we have been living this entire time.
I’m more than the full time breadwinner of the house and doing, you know, most of the mom stuff and our kids are starting to get older.


He’s beginning to be autonomous though


I mean, my youngest is four.
So I mean, they’re still really young, but that’s the youngest.
The oldest is 11.
We’re starting to move.


In the three-year-old oh, yes the pre-nager


Oh, the teenagers really coming out in that kid.
Oh boy.
But no, in the 11 year old.
Yes, you can kind of start seeing some of it.
So not looking forward to that, but we’ll get through it.
He’s a good kid.
But yeah, back to 3D printing.


Of course you will Chris


I think that’s all I’ve got to really talk about.
And if anything else comes up, I’ll bring it in.


So, yeah, I posted a couple of pictures on, on our chat here about my printer’s problems this week. So I, I was having some issues printing TPU a little more precisely with my 0.6 millimeter nozzle.


Of course, I can’t stop talking.


So I’m like, okay, well, I’ll switch back to the 0.4 and see what it looks like. Well, the nozzle got stuck pretty good in the heat block and broke pretty good stuck in.


Leave it to the mechanic the busses knuckles on a 3d printer


Like twisted the head off a nut kind of broke her head off a bowl.


Yep, literally like that. Yep.
So I’m like, okay, well.
Nope, nope.


You know, he’s got a good point.
You totally had a mechanical issue like a car mechanic kind of issue on your 3D printer.


Now I would accept the part of the reason you had this trouble is because you could have untorked that




That nozzle with your fingers and still twisted the top off so


No kidding.


Well, so, um, yeah, I’ve got a little quarter inch ratchet that I’ve, I’ve got for, you know, switching the nozzles, right? It’s a, it’s a stubby end. So it’s not like the full, full length quarter inch, quarter inch drive ratchet.
It’s just a little stubby guy, but, but it’s enough apparently to torque one of those nozzles clean the part.
So, um, so I took the, um, I took the heat, I took the heat block out to the garage, cranked it, cranked it down in my, in my vice, and, you know, and put a wrench on it, tried to twist it out and it just broke again.
So I’m, so if I want to save this one, um, I have a tap, I do have a tap the right size that I can just drill this out. But I’m going, is it really worth my time? Because like, I can order a whole another set on Amazon for like 10 or 12 bucks.
A whole another head assembly. So I’m thinking I’m going to do, I’m probably going to do that. And I’m just order like somewhere between two and four of them so that I don’t have to try to switch out the nozzles.
I can just undo the two electrical connectors and just do a quick swap out on each one because it is literally a lot easier for me to just undo the two electrical connectors and pop the heat block out than it is to actually try to unthread the nozzle every time anyway.


I’ve thought about doing stuff like that with my own just




it’s partly because of when I was thinking about a
Making my carriage so I can change, you know, just pull off the whole carriage and put another one on and clean out the old one
Now that I well I would need to buy another extruder, I really like this extruder, but I’ve got duplicates of all the parts
I could do that now and just build something into the
Plate so that they’re interchangeable in that way. So it’s I like the idea myself


Yeah. Well, again, like I said, there was a lot of thought put into, um, into my purchase. So one of them was that the what was the volcano, volcano style nozzle.


Chris is a lucky man


I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but so um, anyway, so I got my old, I got my old heat block, and it was pretty crusty, not looking so great, but you know, it did have the nozzle completely out.
So I decided to put it through and clean it up. So I, you know, I’m a, I’ve got all my mechanical mechanics stuff in the garage. I got this gallon can of carburetor dip.
So for those who don’t know what that is, it’s basically a very, very strong cleaner, and it’s really good at getting ready, getting rid of organics for cleaning out very, very small fine parts of carburetors because gasoline is organics.
So, um, so it’s plastic.


So how to go


That’s what occurred to me.
And so, oh, it’s, it’s pretty good. Actually, if you guys can hang on a second, I can show you the new one all cleaned up. I haven’t put the stuff in it yet because the little third, the thermistor head is still stuck in it, but it looks like it should pop out without much of an issue.
Hang on just a second.


Well, while he’s doing that his comment about plastic being organic reminded me of an incident I had when I used to work at a major big time National Laboratory that is headquartered in Salt Lake and in the cafeteria somebody had gone around and put stickers on some of the garbage cans saying organic trash only.


Who stuffs


I mean, so obviously I know that they’re meaning stuff food stuffs biodegradables banana peels that kind of stuff. Well, I went up and I was done with all my stuff and so I threw my plastic utensils in the bin that said organic trash only.




And there was somebody saw me do that and they’re like, hey, you put plastic in there. And I said, yes, I did. And they said, but this, the sticker says organic only. And I said, okay, well, first of all, that wasn’t put there by management.
Second of all, it’s plastic. Therefore, it is organic. Like, no, that’s synthetic. And I said, no, no, no. No, I see it plastic is a hydrocarbon based poem polymer. So, therefore, it is organic. And somebody who is going to go around putting this kind of sticker around in a building full of scientists really should have thought about things better.


My head is too big and my arms are too small
Oh, that is clean. That’s pretty


Okay, so here it is.


Okay. Oh, that turned out pretty good.
It looked like you recovered it.




You think you’re going to be so will you have to retap it or did it?


This is, this is, this is the old one. So the tap on it is just fine.




Did you finally get the nozzle on screw?


So I’ll be able to put the components in the, in the old head and have it working again here, probably tomorrow, probably tomorrow.


And that’ll free you up to run your printer while you work through the new head or the new heap lock


That’s good.


Yeah, while I order just, yeah, just order, order a couple of new heat blocks instead. And then I have a couple of quick changeable nozzles.
But anyway, yeah, that’s all came down because I was trying to print.
The T a TPU syringe cap at work and the quality on the inside of that just wasn’t lining lining up for it to fit in the syringe properly because
And I was, I was pretty sure it’s because I was using a 0.6 millimeter nozzle.
And so, yeah.




And the, the other end of that was, I think I needed to make some, I wasn’t sure if it was the 0.6 millimeter nozzle or maybe a little bit of adjustments I need to make I ended up printing these Pokemon card boxes for trying to print these Pokemon card
boxes. And I was getting some quality issues on it too. And so a lot of basically like on the inside of the box ended up not quite like pimpling but like having


So, I know what you’re talking about the.


like excess, yeah, excess flow off plastic, you know.


The wife gave me the one that you had printed so I can make sure I size in the same.
And I could see that it’s called pillowing, right?


Yeah, that.


This is because of inadequate cooling of PLA.
So you might want to check your cooler or maybe you didn’t have the fan on or something like that. This will happen with no fan.


Yeah, actually I wonder if it’s because my fan is my fan has been getting sticky lately so I’m wondering if I walk away and my fan stops working. Yeah, yeah.


That could be something to look at anyway.
I did notice something else about your print I was curious on.
Not the under extrusion because I know that was probably what you were fighting with your head.
But you see the rippling that you got on this print?


Yeah, that is, it’s cool but it’s weird.


It is cool, but I’ve never seen this before. Yes, it’s almost like it’s made out of a material and the ripples go through the layer lines.


The cross layer lines, that’s weird


Anyway, I just I thought it I thought it both.


Yeah, it makes it look kind of like a pleather, you know, yeah.


Go on purpose


Yeah, this would be neat if it was an option you could turn on for the print to do intentionally.
Yeah, I thought that looks so cool on this print the way that that was doing that.
But still, yeah, not good if it’s not intentional. I don’t know what causes that.


It’s probably the same thing I bet you my fan was being stuck and I did turn on when I printed that I did turn on my the mic mic are stepping to




remember what that option is called. Basically, it removes jerk, jerk control, acceleration control. Yeah, that’s what it was. So I turned that on for this for this print and end up printing like that.




So, um, yeah, so sounds like I’m probably going to be ordering a new fan as well since I’m doing that because I am like it like I said I know my fans been being sticky.






Well, that would be nice if that that is the case because no replacing a fan easy and it gets rid of the pillowing effect and that would be great.
That’s an easy solution.


Although that that wouldn’t take care of my issue with the TPU though because TPU is supposed to be around without cooling.


Yeah, TPU is hard. TPU is just hard.
That and like, I


It’s counterintuitive


Kind of that’s the point of TPU is that it’s soft.


Yeah, yeah.
I did listen to the podcast from two times ago that I wasn’t a part of you guys were talking about TPU and how stringing is a hard thing to deal with with TPU because if you’re melting it at the right temperature for good adhesion, you’re going to be stringing.
If you turn down your temperature till it’s not stringing anymore, you’re not going to get good layer adhesion.
And so it’s kind of a battle you need to find, you know, to fight with me like you were talking about printing one part at a time.
And just limiting the head making movements outside of the part really helps so turning on combing for everything, and then printing only one part of the time can really help.


There’s a couple different kind of coming options as well.
In the version of cura I’m using, it’s got coming for just the, just the outside and then there’s coming for infill, and then there’s both. So, for TPU what you want to turn on both.


Yeah, Lisa, that’s that’s what I found and and then looking at the print and seeing, you know, because in cura, you can see your movement, your travels without printing the little blue lines.
And so you can imagine each one of those blue lines is going to be a stringer, and you can kind of control by controlling your, your zipper and how your zipper works.
You could also kind of control where those stringers might might come from and you can, you can sometimes put them on a corner or something like that where they will be easy to trim off.
But, you know, me myself, I haven’t really found many ways to get around not stringing either. It’s, it’s hard to use an amazing amazing material to print with, but it definitely is a step up compared to normal printing skill level required.


Well, yeah, with that, with that gas cap strap that I printed off, the one that the first one I ran that had a lot of stringing actually cleaned up pretty easily with just a pair of scissors but that’s because it was a flat object.


That’s great.
Okay. Yeah.


But, yeah, so that’s a, that’s my adventures this week was.


Intending with your printer still
Looks like you’re coming to an end on that project though, so there’s that Kevin you do anything fun this week or


Yep, but the heat block. Yeah.


3d printed I
Guess and or


That’s cool.


I did.
Right. So, my mom years ago had asked if I could make a stand for


Right very notorious for that actually


a nativity scene. My brother had carved out of a goose egg for her. So it is because she has this light up base for it, but it’s flat. And, and the thing about eggs is they’re not.
right. And so the original plan was that I was going to take a chunk of the apricot tree, because the several years ago, maybe like five years ago or so.
The, the grandkids were on this one limb that stuck out from the tree and it was laid in heavy with fruit. And then there were like six or seven kids on it and it fell.
So I was going to take a chunk of that and hollow out the inside and make a divot in the top with a hole in that to be the holder for the egg so that she could have this thing light up.
So that hasn’t happened yet. And I’m not entirely sure I have all the necessary tools like I do have a router.
And I have got a rotary tool. I don’t have, I don’t have a table saw though, but I do have a mitre saw anyway, it just hasn’t happened. And so then, a couple months ago, I said, Hey, you know, I could probably 3D print the holder thing for you.
And so, last week, I know it was not even last week, it was during the week, it was just the other day I was over there and I had my calipers and I took measurements of the light up base.




And then, so yesterday, I printed, I designed and printed up a prototype.
Now, the, the resin vat ran dry before it finished so it’s got this opening here. You can kind of see the angle at which I had to print this to make it fit because this is a 74 millimeter by 74 millimeter base that’s like 41 millimeters high.
But it got all the important parts in there so that we can at least test this because this was never intended to be the final thing anyway, this is just to see, does this work for the egg, or do I need to put supports on the back to kind of stick up from the base and support the egg from behind.
And then is this notch on the back going to be big enough for her to access the switch for the light up base and all that and then.
So I can take this over now and we can test that out. And then I told my mom that I will be able to the plan is I’m going to have some kind of Christmas message around the base.




No statues or anything like that this week then


And then I’ll either print it up in clear resin like I did with this one, or the clear green, or I’ve got some of that red and green by color silk filament that I could use to do it on the FDM. So that’s what I’ve done.
Nope, nothing like that this week. I did.
I did finish. So this is going to sound kind of funny, but a few weeks ago.
I had this really weird dream where I don’t remember exactly what was going on, but I did something. And I remember thinking in my dream.
Yumiko is not going to be very happy about that. I have no idea who Yumiko is.
But then suddenly she was there like right behind me and I was like, Oh, don’t sneak up on me like that, honey. I was like, why am I calling this person honey.




And she’s like, Okay, but there are those bandits over there. I’m going to go take care of them. And she’d like pulled out a couple of like a katana and whatever the smaller katana shaped dagger is called Tonto, I think.
And she went and just started kicking butt of these bandits. And then there was some bystander who was like, Dude, you marry the shadow ninja.


Is your wife aware that you’re dreaming of when other women, okay?


I was like, I mean, I’ve never even had a dream like that. But anyway, I was like, you know what, I’m going to go design that character on Titan craft. So I did.


That definitely happened.


I haven’t printed it yet, but I just barely finished it like last week.


Isn’t that redundant just like on another note


And then I told her about it. We both laughed. She’s like, that’s a weird.


Adam ninja


Right. She’s like, that’s a weird dream. Like, I’m like, yeah, I don’t even know where the name Yumiko came from, or why I’m suddenly dreaming I’m married to a Japanese shadow ninja.


Well, no, there’s like the Kurdish and Kurdistan.


Cardassian like like the Star Wars planet


No, yeah, Kurdistan shadow ninjas.
No, no, Kurdistan is a country.


Your face is a character


So I’ll pull this up real quick and show you the design that I’m fairly happy with to do my characters.


I’m evil one.


You are a character.
You mean like the character s.






So she has four swords and a cool


That’s neat being able to just do models like that. That’s, that’s really cool.


And so here we have.


Yeah, she has to get you got to have four swords in case somebody drops in front of you and says hello there.


It is.


Yeah fun fun




I love the models you do. The, those are cool.


So I’ll get her printed up at some point.
And the the short dagger thing that was, I love that I could do that because it, they don’t have that natively. What I did was I took one of the longer katanas and then I used the scale tool to just shrink the blade way down and the handle.


I’m going to admire companies like Titan craft that have be able to, you know, have their models be so manipulatable on their site.
It is neat.


Yeah. Yeah, it’s great.
Now, another thing that I have no stake in this is just if any of our listeners ever played the Final Fantasy card game triple triad, which is in Final Fantasy eight and I’ve heard Final Fantasy 14.
I don’t know. I’ve never played Final Fantasy 14.
There is now a game on Kickstarter that you should look up called Never Rift that was based on that inspired by it, but they expanded on it to make it a little better.


What if they listen to it in a year
We’ve got listeners all the way back to episode one and once not once they get here
I’m officially apologizing for the first couple of episodes


So I’m backer number two on that one.
And if you if people listen to this episode as it airs the Kickstarter will still be active.


We’ve learned a lot in two years


Then it won’t be active.
Yeah, if they listen to it.
Let’s see when does it and Kickstarter.
Yes, leave the site. Never had that happen before that’s weird. Okay, Never Rift.
So it’s got 18 days to go.


Ah well there we go


So it will be, where does it say will be funded on what date.


I looked it up






The website doesn’t have that information.


Just in case anybody hears me and goes no that’s wrong


That’s annoying.


This is the Wikipedia. So take it with a grain of salt. I guess


Because if, but if they listen to so I actually know if they listen to it after June 19 of 2024, the Kickstarter will not be active anymore.


there are
three main divisions across two categories of
Blade from the the Japanese samurai era
Category one is the short blade which you had right. It’s the tanto




just a side note in blacksmithing tanto is the
Blade with the triangular tip. So there is a little difference there in cultural references
When it’s between the category one and two
It’s the
Just mid-sized blades. There you are the and I’m gonna mess this up
Wakazashi or Kodachi blades and
and the regular
blade or the category two is the shaku for


Oh, could actually.


Daito, which is the longsword or the katana or tachi blade
So yeah, there it is
Google education we all got right there BAM
Actually, it was funny. I had a neighbor
Who posted in the community group that they were selling
Some swords they’re like they’re real swords and it’s like yeah, that’s great. You’re selling them for five dollars a piece


There you go.


when I got to
his unit and
Offered to buy six of them. He’s like don’t you want to inspect the blades?
And it’s like you’re selling them for five dollars a piece. I don’t care about the steel
I bought a katana set and
Some other swords and I did inspect them later. They’re definitely
The blades are ground to look like they have the waves from




your traditional katana, but
They’re fun and maybe one of these days
I’ll take there’s one or two of them that I might harvest the steel from and
Forge at some point
If I ever get a position get in a position to fire at my own forge, but yeah, they’re fun
the rest of them need to be
redone a little bit but




Fun swords
Kevin dreams of other women
And he dreams of other women and then blames is
No, no, no, I’m sorry I was poking fun
And you you already clarified that you told your wife a story and she thought it was as bizarre and hilarious as you did so
That tells me that it’s a good pairing. How about that?


Now I would like to point out that there was like nothing really romantic happening in that dream.


Yeah, what did I do this week I
My wife got some new controllers for her switch because




playing games like
the traditional N64 games on the switch kind of have some problems because
N64 had the C buttons
specifically math so she bought some
New N64 controllers that are meant to go with the switch and
So I printed off some bases for those so that they can be organized on our game shelf and
She also bought a few extra controllers because we only had the joy cons and




One extra controller besides that so now we can do the four-player games
Mario Kart and sort of people here
So I added to our controller tree that I printed a little while ago I did a couple of things there




Was a thing specific. Oh, we’ve talked quite a bit about how you don’t like the
Brims when you’re 3d printing and you like your your your freedom to pull apart off the the bet the
build plate and use it with a minimum of fabrication or
post-work and
I had seen a little while ago when I said it the first time Chris was like, oh, I’ve got one of those




I’m gonna use it and he mentioned it either last week or the week before that he was using a deburring tool to clean off the
the brim and
I remembered I’ve been meaning to get one and I haven’t so I got one








Yeah, it does everything it works precisely as advertised when it comes to taking the brim off so




No more need to
Screw up the corners with my exacto knife


No, deeper knives were specifically made for this kind of thing.




Well, and yeah, just a deburring tool, there’s that one there
Yeah, yeah, well, I figured as long as they’re not super expensive, I can drop another two dollars into getting it. I think it’s even still it’s a little heavy for aluminum


They’re like super cheap.
There’s even yours is yours even has a metal handle, which is a step above mine.


Handle so but the
They are really handy and especially when it comes to like because I’ve been using the
Though blade if you dig into the corner a little bit and you hold it up to the light
It’s not like the 90 degree angle like you may want with your sharper so
That blade just by design makes it like a perfect 90 degree angle from
What you’re cutting on? Oh
And I did get a screwdriver set while I was at it an actual nice small screwdriver set






But so the the box that I made a couple of years ago with the sliding lid is no longer my practical set






Yeah, this this this bastard has got a few tips




It’s got a lot.


Oh, man, that’s got that’s that’s twice as many as I got there. Holy crap.


I’m still using that old weird Harvard freight set.


Across two screwdrivers no less
So there’s the the four millimeter and screwdrivers with heads for both of them. I expect it to be nice


Yeah, yeah, mine, mine does the, yeah, mine does the four millimeter and the quarter inch too. It’s got this little adapter.


Including an adapter


That’s cool. I got to pick your, I want to pick your brain about something. Is there a tool out there that is much like a screwdriver shank, but in the tip of the screwdriver would be a recessed bowl.


No, but I think my plastic, I’ve got a plastic welder tool that’s got a triangular, it’s a flat triangular head. I think that would be the closest thing to it. But that wouldn’t be very hard to take a drum old ball to and cup out.


Yeah. That’s, that’s where I’m thinking of going and just take an old, you know, crappy screwdriver and using one of those balling tools on the dremel to etch it out, but be nice if something else is.


Well, yeah, well, if you’re planning on on heating it up, having it already on the end of a plastic welder, which, yeah.


Yeah, even better. Yeah. Anyway, just a thought because I was thinking it would be really nice to be able to, to leave plastic stubs on one part and then be able to put another part on top of it where the stuff would go through.
And then at the very top of the stuff, you could just heat up that, that baller tool and push over the top of the stuff to rivet to, to make a rivet ball.


Yeah, and, and here’s me using screws like a simpleton.


I’m going to anchor it down.
Well, I mean, there are some things like when I’m making the top of a project box, if I want to anchor a screen or something to the project box, it’s kind of hard to, to have a, what’s it called a screw, a place just to the screw to go into that where the screw wouldn’t poke out the face,




and still give you an adequate amount of grab of grip.


And yeah, and yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about too, because sometimes when I’m fixing whatever electronic thing, there will be a plastic knob run through that was cup cups melted essentially over top of the circuit circuit board and in the in the hold fastening


I found a cross-section
just thinking of riveters and


you know,


The old rivets you’ll remember you personally. I’m sure use them all the time
Anyway, the the old rivets they used to have the two parts, right?
They would heat up the actual rivet, and I guess they still do they drive it through the I beam and then they
Hammer it into the other side and that balls over the back end as well
And I can’t see any tool for that specifically






But I did find a lot of references it looks like there’s a lot of rivets where they will
Go in and then they’ll
They’ll use a tool to spread out the backside just like your typical rivet tool anyway
just the
Aluminum ones where you stick it in and you squeeze it and the ball spreads out the backside while it pulls the pin through
Except for yeah
In this case what it is is it’s just a tool where you put the rivet in heat up the material


Blind rivets.


I guess plastic and put a divot in the back end and that spreads out the back
Imagine there is a riveting tool specifically for putting a ball on the end rivet though


Well, I mean, I’ve used this method a lot on a lot of my projects, but I usually just wind up taking a flat blade screwdriver and heating it up, and then just melting, melting it flat that way.




But it doesn’t look very good. And that’s why I was thinking I’d probably even get more strength if I had that nice spherical ball over the top of it like that.
So, and on top of it, if you got the ball, and you do wind up needing to pull it off so you shave it so you could pull it off.
That does give you the opportunity to be able to put it back on and then use something like a screwdriver for one more melting to be able to hold it in place too.
So it kind of kind of gives you an extra opportunity to redo a repair job on something like that without having to reprint the entire new part again.


So any
If there’s any pros that we’re hearing me talk I have just been educated and there is in a
terminology around it the
Part that you stick in I guess is the snap and then the riveter is what creates the backside


Oh, really?


And if you look at the image, I just sent you there is a tool to round off back side
so that there’s


I’ll round off your backside.




So that there’s a mushroom top or I guess if you want to use the term muffin top
There’s a mushroom top on
The backside and it’s all one piece of metal to hold the thing together. So


Okay, yeah, the riveter.


Mushroom cap. Yeah.


Yeah, okay. And in my design, the backside of the rivet, the rivet snap is not needed because it’s just a post sticking out of it, you know, at that point.




But the riveter component that you’ve got in your picture, that’s exactly what I’m looking for.




Like Chris suggested, I can get, you know, one of those ball grinders on the rotary tool and just cut the tip off of a screwdriver and do that.




And you’ll make one of those tools, but it would be nice to, like, if there was a set that somebody made of different sizes tools that were like that that were made for plastic, but I couldn’t find anything.


Don’t imagine it would be that hard especially for you Andy to fabricate something




Well and and I guess what I’m getting at is now that you have a better idea for what you want to do


No, which is, which is where we’re probably going to end up.


It shouldn’t be that hard. I


Yeah, just a thought. I didn’t know if there was, you know, a leather working tool or, or anything else, you know, woodworking tool that was similar to that, just called something different.


Know with with


You know what, Andy, I just found, I just, I just found a plastic welder on Amazon that does have the little cup tool like you’re talking about I’ll post it here in the chat.


Leatherworking most of what I’ve seen I know that there’s a lot of available tools
You’re using
rivets for things like snaps and studs and that sort of thing and they use a




Typically they’ll use a base the flares out the open side of the rivet and
you take the
Usually the top of the snap or something. I’ll know if it snaps what you’ll typically do is just like, you know that this the
Buttons or snaps on your pants. It’ll have the side that everybody sees which has a
Hollow tube
Coming through and then you put a holder on it and then you use a tool that you hammer into it
and it flares that out so that holds everything together and
That didn’t feel like what you were looking for. I
I guess it is possible that there’s more like it a solid rivet tool
But I haven’t seen one


So, like I say, it’s easy enough to make and I wanted to make one so that I could be a little bit better looking than just a flattened out piece of plastic, but


Well, I’m looking at this, this, this, this one that I just posted, it does have that cup tool about if, if you look at the picture with all the tip heads, it’s like right in the middle.


Yeah, it’s like at the end of, it’s like they got like a ball tool at the end of a Southern iron, but ooh, what Frank posted there.


But it’s a cup. Yeah, it’s, it’s a ball.


Oh, okay. Yeah.


It’s up. Yeah. So it’s not that’s, I mean, like, yes, it is round, but it’s also inverted rounds. It’s like a, like a bowl. Yeah.




Yeah. Yeah.
I think your suggestion there is probably going to be the best Chris. I just find a screwdriver with the right shank size I want to cut the tip off of it and blow out the end of the shank.


That’s pretty much what all of these that I’m finding are is


Yeah, I think it.


the one I
Posted the link for is for when you’re making the rivet or the
What was that? Yeah, when you’re making the snap part


Mm hmm.


You heat up the base and you heat up the the snap itself and then you hammer it in and bowl out the one end
And then you’ll want to heat up that whole rivet and stick it through the hole and get the other side
Well, it’s still hot
And that is of course assuming that you’re talking
$2,000 pneumatic riveter
That also came up so


Yeah. That’s okay. Just a thought didn’t know if there was something you guys might have known that would be that would play that part well that I just didn’t have a name for that.


Just a rev it so you had it


Next time I need to, next time I need to do it, I’ll look into chopping a screwdriver at that point that shouldn’t be too hard.


Ribbit, rivbit.
Well, we’ll have to call this episode the froggy bottom because we keep saying ribbit.




Yeah, rivet rivet.


Think that the ones I just found for you are probably more in line with


But yeah, I think that’s pretty much it for me.


Uh huh.


Yeah, you’re coming up with a lot of other things I couldn’t find when I first. Oh my gosh, that’s exactly it.




The knurled ends.




That’s it. We’re talking about a knurling tool. That’s what it is with a K knurl.




Yeah, there it is




A knurling tool.
Cap rivet tool dome.


Now that we are
Completely out of the scope of 3d printing. Well, no, we’ve been talking about tools to rivet the end of your posts. I guess that’s


Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Well within the domain of printing


No, this is.


No, these are.
Yeah, these, this, the, yeah, they’re riveting.


Why not


The plastic tool I found on Amazon says specifically 3d printing.


Here’s a six-piece set on Amazon. I thought that I had stopped looking and then I found this
It’s basically oh


Yeah, can you? Yeah, what’s that? All these are redirects from Google. That’s crazy. My browser does not like them. We could not find the page.


That’s because it’s a Google search that I did but the URL should be in there
I thought it was Amazon. It says Walmart inside of the actual URL


Walmart.com slash mushroom dumb snap rivet setting tool, steel for spike studs, pinch hand tool, and then a bunch of grubbly grubbly redirect.


These are, these links are not working.


Just search for mushroom dumb snap rivet.


Or in Google I’m sure that one of them will you can get a link. It doesn’t redirect that way


On the Walmart.


Sounds good.


We talked about how I am a


Yeah, those are coming up.
Nice. That’s exactly kind of what I’m looking for. Thank you.


Software ninja, I am also a I am strong with the Google foo


Oh, $19.




Yeah, 19 bucks though.


Well now that you have the right terminology you can search all of your resources


I’m a lot of pennies. I can get them from AliExpress.


Oh, that’s all that’s a whole nother can of worms.


Google foo and that’s even with the AI for Google being so problematically


No kidding. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m looking into that right now.


Yeah, and it verges into politics, maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up
Let’s wrap this up and I
Will go find something to do with my time since it can be a bachelor most of the day


The very, very, very end.


All right, we’d like to thank everyone for listening to the very end
If you like what you hear, please give us all the stars and subscribe


Sounds great.


We are available through a wide variety of podcast vendors and so we’re easy to share if you have feedback
You can find us in our Facebook group amateur 3d pod
You can email us at Franklin Kevin Andy or Chris at amateur 3d pod calm or you can email us collectively at
Panelists at amateur 3d pod calm Kevin Buckner wrote the music for this episode
Open ai’s whisper completed the heavy lifting for the transcripts, which are linked in the description
Our panelists are me Franklin Christensen and my friends Kevin Buckner Chris Weber and Andy Cota until next time
We’re going offline


Keep your FEP tight.


Except for when you don’t like Andy is learning


Glue sticks.


Always use hairspray.
No, you always use hairspray.
If you want good prints, you always use hairspray.


Okay, I


Really, I got nothing. I’ve been printing nothing. So I got nothing.


Didn’t understand anyway, I usually don’t understand I guess


I know you’re fine.



