Thank you for joining us.
This is Episode 37 of Amateur 3D Podcast, a podcast by Amateur printers for Amateur printers, where we share our thoughts and experience.
Our panelists this week are me, Franklin Christensen, and my friends Andy Cotton, Kevin Buckner, and Chris decided to take a personal day today.
We also decided without him, I guess, that we’re going to change things up a little bit and let everybody know what we’re not going to talk about.
First thing, instead of at the end of the podcast.
So our topic this week is printed tools… again.
Yeah, how that came back up on the list, but a lot of things to talk about there, so that works.
Yeah, and maybe it just keeps coming up because we come up with more stuff to pry printing on the 3D printer.
I mean, I like last time I’m not really going to have anything to say about printed tools because I don’t do that.
That said, maybe we should start with you, Kev, just so that, you know, if you feel like you’re wasting your time, you can leave.
And me and Andy can ruminate on all of this stuff that we could or should or would not print on our printers for the rest of the day.
So what I’ve been doing, I haven’t really done much this week because I’m in a community choir and we had our performance this week.
But what I did do is I printed up the a couple of what I’m planning on using as the black bishops for my nightmare chess set.
And they’re kind of horrific looking, kind of hard to describe.
They’ve got lots of arms and just like gaunt and sometimes skeletal features, but they’ve got kind of a tall, funny hat.
So I figured they look, they would make nice bishops.
So that’s what I’m using for that.
And that’s all they’ve done this week.
I guess that works.
That’s cool.
You’re going to have to share pictures when you get them done or, you know, images for your slicers so that we have an idea.
You wouldn’t want to see the images for my slice or though because that would that would just like they’re just cross sections.
Well, you know, before you slice it, sure, because yeah…
I’ll post photographs.
I still need a post photos of the king that I’m using.
I haven’t seen any pictures of that yet.
I know the queen one you shared turned out looking really neat.
That’s going to be a read chess set.
Um, that does bring up one question.
Are you going to use different characters for black and white?
Oh, wow.
So it’s a double set instead of just different color prints.
That is going to be cool.
That will. Well, very interested in that.
And all dark themed twos right up your alley there.
Vampire, bat kind of monster feel.
That’s cool.
So, uh, you work on anything this week Andy?
I did a couple of things.
So my, since my last podcast here, my dryer broke and that left me with, uh, again, not very good access.
Well, that was with the flat tire.
But, um, you know, when I got it all put back together, it fired up and it was working really well.
Um, I put a load in the washing machine and, and pushed that through, made it to the dryer, started doing laundry.
And before I got two, I got two loads in through the washing machine before my washing machine then broke, wouldn’t drain water.
And, uh, so it was kind of, uh, kind of a crappy situation to have, you know, the dryer break and then suddenly the washing machine having problems as well within, you know, loads of laundry.
But, um, they’re not, they’re not brand new either, but they’re not old.
I think I’ve got maybe five years on them and already starting to have problems.
I see how it is.
I move out and you replace all the stuff.
Well, yeah, I didn’t have to worry about you screwing stuff up anymore.
It’s great.
Uh, just kidding.
Um, but, uh, but, you know, one thing that’s really neat is getting into appliances like that to repair them.
They’re, they really feel like they’re designed to be repaired.
Well, their design is got that in mind.
And it’s, it’s wonderful taking it apart to get into them to do a project because they’re time consuming.
There’s a lot you got to take apart.
And there’s just so much you stumble across in the design of the unit that was, is there for you to take it apart?
I mean, I love little things like finding stickers on the inside of the wiring diagrams or, or things like, you know, when I go to lift this face into place, it’s actually got a hook to hold the face into place while you get the screws in it.
You know, little just things like that that are just wonderful.
There’s a hole through the face.
You could fit a screwdriver through to unscrew something on the other side, you know, just little, little things like that.
For someone who really likes to design stuff, seeing, you know, something well thought out like that.
And, and it, it’s making it a pleasure to get into it.
And all it, what really the problem was was just the water pump, the impeller had broken loose from the water pump.
And when I was digging into it, I thought this might actually be something I could 3D print my way out of if the impeller just broke.
I could might be, you know, maybe re, re print a new impeller for the motor because the motor was still running.
It just, you know, it, when the motor kicks on, when the pump kicks on, it just sounds like a motor running without a load.
And so that’s, that’s all I had.
And there was no draining involved.
So I figured that…
it’s not like it takes a lot of volume to move either.
I mean, it usually just pushes through that one inch hose to get out, right?
That’s true.
So it doesn’t need a whole lot.
And the impeller is really simple.
It’s far simpler than the ones I was showing you guys for the fish tank impellers I was doing here.
But I took it apart and it’s a little bit, well, it’s a little bit of a different design.
And on top of it, parts were cheap, a whole brand new pump for that thing was $23.
So I went ahead and just, yeah, I went ahead and just bought a new pump for it.
So I can not have it affect my laundry cycle and I can just go in and replace it.
But I’ve got the old pump that I want to completely remove the impeller and see why it’s disconnected on the inside and see if I can’t repair it.
So I’ve got a spare because there’s nothing wrong with the motor itself.
But that might, that might be a 3D printing project down the road there or something that just involves a little bit of glue or something.
So it might not be 3D printing related.
But we’ll see when I go to dig into it.
And you’ve got the super neat plastic glue if you want to use that to fix it.
Well, the, the glue that I use for the plastics is, um, it’s a cement.
It’s acrylic cement.
And it’s, I, I absolutely love it.
It is a little, like, it’s like 80 to 90% as strong as AC glue or PC glue, a super glue, right?
I think it’s.
Okay, Yeah.
So it’s not quite as strong, but it seems to work on almost anything.
You know, sometimes you go to super glue something that just doesn’t stick, you know, so it pops right off.
And it’s an instant failure.
It doesn’t need to suffer from any of those problems.
Super glue to be effective needs to have almost nothing between the two parts.
And if there’s like extra glue and it’s filling a gap or something, it’s just never going to dry.
That’s what I hate about it.
So this stuff does that.
It’s a little bit more viscous, which I like.
So you can put it in it stays where you put it.
Um, it’s, it’s, it’s cheaper.
You could buy it in bigger bulk than you can AC glue.
And it, the stuff doesn’t seem to dry out on its own.
And one thing I love about it is, it, it, as soon as you squeeze it out of the tube.
It’s tacky in about 30 seconds.
Oh, yeah.
And about two minutes or so, it is quite stiff, but you could still move it and make adjustments if you need.
But after about five minutes, it’s set for the most part and cures in 24 hours.
So it’s been a great glue to use.
I love it.
In fact, the, the, the piece that I made, um, this last week, I, I designed it last week.
It’s a, um, my fish tank’s been getting too warm since it’s been summertime.
And taking the lid off lets it cool down enough.
But having the lid off the fish tank, I don’t like the feeling of that.
So I decided to put a just a small PC fan into the lid.
And I’ve got these big openings in my lid for where the old filters used to go that I don’t use.
So I thought I would build a, a fan housing that would clamp onto the side of the tank that would fit into that hole perfectly.
And so I, I did that, made it out of two pieces so that I can print without supports and made it, so it clamps on to the tank itself.
So I can still remove the lid without, you know, having anything attached.
And, uh, now all I got to do is wire the thing up and, uh, then I’ll be done.
I don’t know if I’m going to use a five volt like USB charger or a 12 volt power supply.
I’m using a 12 volt PC fan to do it a little 80 millimeter that I’ve got.
And I’m actually doing it for both my tanks.
Even though my other tank doesn’t suffer from the heating problem, it may later on.
So I figured just go ahead and make it for both.
But, uh, you know, a lot of those 12 volt fans works beautifully off a lower voltage.
And it’s not like I’m trying to blow air into the tank.
I’m just trying to move the air off of the surface and running it at a lower RPMs and things might work fine.
But these are the same fans I use on my printer, uh, my printer’s cooling system for the Peltier cooling system.
And the same fans there.
And running off of 12 volts or, in those cases, it’s split 24 because it’s two 12 volt fans series together and runs off the 24 supply from the printer.
So I’ll have to put these on 12 volts and see if they’re the same which they should be.
And if that’s the case, that’s more air movement than I need.
So this whole system I might wind up making just USB and just running it off of a five volt USB charger.
So that’ll work.
But the prints came out really good.
They look real smooth from here.
Like real shiny.
So, yeah, they turn out really nice.
Um, the, uh, one thing I did learn though is I have been preaching hairspray for the longest time.
And I use Wal-Mart rave 4 hairspray.
And because it’s got the nylon in it.
Now I got the whole idea to use to try hairspray from another podcast.
Um, I think it’s 3D printing today from back in the day.
Anyway, they were recommending, um, aqua aquanet for hairspray.
And when I went to go buy hairspray for the first time, I just used rave 4 for my hair.
So I just tried that and it worked well.
And so I always made the assumption that aquanet worked just as good as my rave 4 did.
And a while back, I had bought some and used it.
And, uh, I didn’t really like it too much.
It’s got more hydrocarbons.
I think the propellant is a hydrocarbon based propellant.
Because whenever I use it in my laundry room, my hydrocarbons alarm goes off because it’s a laundry room.
I got the furnace and stuff in there.
So I got a leak detector for that.
But it set it off, if I use it, if I, if I heat up the bed so it evaporates quickly, it’ll, it’ll set that off when my rave 4 never did.
Uh, and I thought that was the only problem.
I didn’t really like using it, but no big deal.
Um, before I printed this, I wound up cleaning my bed because like when I put the washing and dryer machine back, I cleaned everything up good and that meant cleaning up my printer too.
So I, I stripped the bed and I went to go re, uh, put hairspray on the bed for the next run.
And I figured I’ll use the rest of the Aquinette I’ve got.
And so I sprayed some on it and I might as well have not had anything on there at all.
In fact, it worked so terribly that I wound up cleaning the bed off again, uh, to get it all off and just using the rave 4, which it worked perfectly with the rave 4.
So, uh, I don’t know.
Aquinette apparently is not something I will be buying again because it…
Burn it to the ground.
Yeah, I threw away almost a full can of it because it’s just, it’s garbage to me.
I don’t know.
I don’t know what the difference is.
So if anybody actually took my advice when I was mentioning rave 4, I apologize for my assumption there.
I made an ass out of myself and no, rave 4 does at least in my experience does not work as good or Aquinette does not work as good as rave 4 at all.
But, uh, but no, these…
so any suggestion that you, because you said rave 4 as your suggestion, what you’re not suggestion, suggesting is the Aquinette.
It makes me feel good that you stumbled during the correction of my experience.
Because I know good words.
I promise.
But, uh, but yeah, yeah.
So, uh, yeah, if you try the Aquinette and we’re just, Andy doesn’t know what the heck he’s talking about, it’s because Andy didn’t know what the heck he was talking about.
Give the rave 4 shot.
I think you’ll be more impressed.
At some point, it feels like a cop out, but this is called amateur 3D podcast for a reason.
But I shouldn’t have been preaching something I didn’t have firsthand experience on.
So, lesson learned for me.
And I think an apology is, is owed for that.
You should feel bad.
But I gotta get this thing wired up.
And I hopefully will do that today.
And, um, have it working for these guys so that I can put their lid back on their tank.
Because they hate the lid being off, because they associate that with me digging in there to clean up the tank.
And, uh, they don’t like that.
So having the lid off stresses them out a little bit.
I guess it hadn’t really thought the fish would have anxiety over certain environmental things.
Oh my god.
That’s the thing that seems to kill these tropical fish the most is stress.
Most of the treatments I have for my fish are for their stress levels.
It seems to be what causes all the diseases and stuff like that.
But, um, but yeah.
So that’s that project.
I think that’s the only thing I really worked on this whole time.
It’s been kind of a slower week, you know, dealing with the washing machine breaking immediately after the dryer broke.
I can see how that wouldn’t be irritating.
But, you know, it worked out pretty good.
So good.
That’s my project that I’m in the middle of, but I got that printed out and working good.
I’m looking a little bit more into an SLA printer.
I haven’t really asked the wife yet if I could get one.
Don’t know why or I will put it.
I’ve got the entire top of a dryer that I could use.
Is that enough room to be able to to run an SLA printer cab as well as your curing station?
Three foot squared about one meter for the, for the non-Americans.
Give or take.
Yeah, you probably don’t need as much space between the printer and the curing station as I have on my setup.
So yeah, that should probably be fine.
That sounds good.
And I think I was kind of leaning towards the Saturn 2.
It’s kind of what I was looking at a little bit here and there.
It’s not quite a newby one.
It seems to be a little bit more mid-grade printer.
It’s got the 4K screen.
It’s got a little bit of a bigger bed from what I understand, but it’s got a lot of great reviews.
I think it was like $350.
So kind of looking into that, just kind of experimenting.
It’s going to be like a week or two before I actually drop the ball and make that purchase.
But quite jealous of Kevin’s capabilities here.
I want to expand on my own.
But at the same time too, I really also want to get a small CNC machine that I can use for aluminum.
So I don’t know which one will come first.
There’s a lot of wants and very little plans to do anything.
So we’ll see what happens.
And just in case any of our listeners decide to do their own research on these things and buy something on Andy’s recommendation, let them know that you heard about them from us and say, hey, you should sponsor those guys.
Yeah, yeah, that would be great.
Because we’re not going to go looking for like Harries or something.
I’m not going to shape my beard off.
Yeah, yeah, no kidding. Me neither.
So, but yeah, that’s all I’ve done.
What about you, Frank?
You been up to anything?
Well, I’ve been fighting the mid-print delamination and under extrusion issue.
Just under extrusion is ugly when you’re trying to do something as a gift in my mind.
So, yeah, I decided that what I wanted to do was try fresh eyes on the statues that I’ve been trying to print for my brother for his birthday.
And my wife asked me to make her some Deathly Hallows bookends.
Oh, that’s cool.
And the last time I did bookends, the plastic wasn’t heavy enough to actually hold books up.
And I didn’t print them with the little tab that goes under the book.
So, I talked with her about it and we decided that doing the wooden bookends with just the printed part in the the opening of the bookend would work.
And then I can, you know, do the wood and stain it and have it look real, uh, real good and all that and just have the the support be the Deathly Hallows.
And in the process of printing off a test for that, I ended up with a glob again.
Oh, no.
I don’t like globs.
So, I decided to be a little more thorough than I did the last time and was had the heat block on and was feeling around with my dental pick and it sparked.
And so, I just shut it down.
It was midnight one o’clock.
I’m like, okay, I’m not going to do with this right now.
So, I shut it down and actually disassembled stuff and I didn’t cause, I think that what I must have done with my dental pick has gone through a wire and bridged that way.
It wasn’t like a major amount of, it was a single spark, but so I don’t, I don’t even see a hole from where the pick went through anything.
Okay, that’s good.
It’s not like the insulation was compromised and in some major way and the wires are touching.
So, I think they use pretty beefy MOSFETs to drive the heaters anyway.
So, it probably could have handled a little bit of abuse.
A shorting somewhere.
Anyway, I didn’t see any major damage.
So, I just pulled out whatever plastic I didn’t have to disassemble the whole thing.
I knew better what I was looking for.
So, I was able to get all the plastic out of the underside of the carriage and ran off a print of toothless from how to train your dragon.
This one is kind of more like a chibi statue, if you know the Japanese chibis.
And it actually looks a little bit like stitch from Lilo and Stitch, but it’s definitely toothless.
It’s weird.
Anyway, so I printed one of those off and because I hadn’t changed any of my settings from the Deathly Hallows, I ended up printing him solid.
Oh, no.
Luckily, he was only 30 millimeters tall.
It was a lot of plastic, a lot more than I would have normally printed with, but you know, when it’s a gift for your wife and she’s got a bunch of little things and extra heavy little pieces not going to ruin anything.
So, I gave that to my wife and then I ran another print of my brothers See-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil frogs.
And there is almost no under extrusion.
Like the one or two places is easy to work with for me.
So, I got that project done and my next project is to redo my key holder, which fell off of the wall.
The one that I talked about many months ago now.
And I’m going to do a holder for the guards for my clippers.
Because they’re just loose inside of the bag and it’s painful for me.
To sort and rearrange.
So, I’m just going to create a holder for them all and base it off of the head of the clippers so that they actually clip into the thing and see how that goes.
I think it’ll be fun.
A lot of work.
And I’m glad to hear that it sounds like some of your under extrusion issues might be resulting themselves.
Yeah, like cleaning the heat block three times in a row with almost no prints in between must have done something.
Could have been, could have been.
Did you did you at any point ever measure to see how much plastic it’s using to see if you’re not that your steps would be wrong, but that you’re extruding as much plastic as you think you’re extruding?
I have not done that test.
It’s a good one to identify if you’re having a hardware issue or a software issue.
A lot of that issue is kind of the drawback to temperature adhesion in my mind because if it doesn’t stick or if it comes loose it’s not going to re-stick and then it’s just going to drag the part around while it’s extruding.
And that’s what’s been happening.
I’m pretty sure.
So, it’s not it’s not that the head is overextruding.
It’s that it’s dragging a part that is not sticking to the build plate.
Oh, no.
I mean with your under extruding problem.
Oh, no.
With that issue, I have just been slowly, you know, one or two percent at a time between prints increasing my flow until they’re in a manageable position.
It’s it’s pretty easy if you ever if you ever wanted to.
I have watched a few videos and from the point where after you measure it, they’re still saying and then adjust from there.
I’m to the point where I’m at adjust from there anyway to fine tune it.
So, I’m not as concerned about the initial measurement.
Got you.
Or whatever works.
That’s good.
And I am a stubborn SOB and I refuse to let a piece of plastic get the best of me.
So, you’re in the long, the wrong line of interest here.
I will contend until I win.
Damn it.
I only wasted a quarter spool in the last two weeks on these issues.
that’s actually not too bad figuring the level of problems you have had.
It’s been a lot of small prints for the most part too though.
So, that’s where the balance is, right?
When you’re not confident in your print, you print small stuff until you figure it out.
That’s the epic big stuff.
That is very true.
It makes turn around a little bit easier anyway.
It gives you time to do those little simple adjustments and things.
But yeah, that’s good that that’s working out.
And I haven’t printed any tools.
Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve printed tools.
Well, no, I guess last week I printed another 321 block.
That’s a tool.
Yeah, that very much is.
Printed it solid.
It does better as a 321 block when it’s solid.
I made a Gator bite release tool a couple of weeks ago.
Gator bite.
I couldn’t find me.
I just like a half C shaped washer that’s like, I think I made mine like 15, 20 millimeters thick.
I see shape the size of the pipe and you just clip it over the C and then you can push the piece of plastic into the Gator bite to release it.
Oh, for like those fittings that I had never seen before for the PVC where you get the two things that you can put them together and they got the special tool to release them.
Yep, that’s exactly it.
And then the ones I did were for copper, but…
The not Chinese finger traps for piping.
Yeah, the ones you’re never supposed to use.
And for everybody saying, well, that’s definitely Andy not knowing what he’s doing.
They’re absolutely right because I didn’t know what I was doing.
I didn’t know how to sweat a proper pipe fitting back then.
So I used Gator bites.
And as they fail, which I actually haven’t had any fail, as they make me worry, I swapped them out for, you know, just properly soldering them in place.
So got to be able to get them off in order to do that.
And I had it lost my key a long time ago.
So I just made one real quick.
You don’t want to spend 20 bucks at the hardware sort of getting a new one.
Yeah, or sit there and try to do it with like a pair of pliers or something.
Like, I’m sure there’s people out there who just pop it really quick and get it off.
But I am not one of those people.
I’ll sit there just fight with struggle with it.
So just making the pretty close to the identical tool piece of plastic that, you know, you get when you buy those, it was all it took and was able to get it off and, you know, sweat the pipe properly and get a proper soldered fitting on it.
And I did a lot of piping back then.
Maybe use a soda can like you do with the when you’re compromising a dial padlock.
just it’s the same idea right?
No, no, not really.
It’s more about pushing the release ring with equal pressure all the way around at the same time to get it to release on those.
So instead of coming overcoming the one ball, you’re overcoming all of the releases.
Yeah, it’s almost like if you imagined, let’s say your padlock idea, let’s say you would you would put your your bypasser in place.
But then you were having a hard time pushing the bypasser in.
So you made another tool to push the the bypasser into the lock to disengage it.
So it’s like it’s already got that piece built into the fitting.
You just got to be able to push it down.
But since it’s grabbing all the way around the pipe, you have to push it down equally on all sides all at the same time with about the same amount of pressure.
So there’s a nice little tool to be able to to do it all at once that they make.
Japanese finger trap.
Yeah, pretty much.
It’s actually looking at the first resisting the urge to put your finger in one of those fittings.
It does occur to me to wonder, I think I heard somewhere that the Japanese actually have nothing to do with those things.
And they just get blamed for it.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
We’ve done that with so much things.
I mean, don’t even look at what we call different foods from different countries as if it actually ever came from that country.
American Japanese food versus traditional Japanese food or Thai food or…
And I like our Americanized stuff.
I’ll take that, you know, what we call Hispanic food or that all day long over the real stuff.
Unfortunately, I’d rather have the Americanized stuff most of the time.
I don’t know.
I think traditional Thai food is very good.
I mean, I don’t like the American rendition of it.
Oh, that’s what I’m saying.
As I do still enjoy the American rendition.
Well, then you’re a true American and I’m apparently a little bit of an outsider.
Well, without Chris here, we managed to get through these topics and ideas real quick.
Yeah, I’m wondering if if Chris may have been the one to put the topic in place too, because he does do a lot of a lot of things.
Idea generation.
Yeah, I mean, he definitely keeps the conversation going.
We’ll have to pester him on that one.
There’s a lot of neat tools that I think would be fun to design that used multi materials like printing a pair of pliers that uses, you know, the pliers itself is, you know, made out of nylon or PC or something, you know, hard like that, a PETG.
And then, you know, make the joint in between them out of TPU to make, to construct the hinge out of little things like that are kind of cool.
Like a living hinge.
I’ve seen those.
That’s from multi material prints when you’ve got the, when you’re running like an iDex machine or something like that to be able to print them, you know, to print the joint right into the part all in one go.
Which I think I’d be an interesting thing to be able to move to print wise.
I mean, all of us only run single extruder printers.
Oh, that’s a really gotten into multi material at all to be able to see its perks but…
When I get to the point where I do replace my printer, I think I’m going to look much closer at something that does at least two filaments.
I agree.
I agree.
At least to have the option there.
Right now, I don’t think it’s worth purchasing a brand new printer to do multi material.
Oh, no.
I’ll definitely not be doing that for a while.
I just, you know, when I get to that point.
It’s like buying a new car.
You buy the new car and then you start day dreaming about the next car, even though you’ve got another 10 years until it falls apart.
And with these printers, they’re so easy to fix.
It’s like, I don’t know how long mine’s actually going to last me.
Probably keep it for a long time, just replacing things that break on it.
Your printer barely resembles the one that you bought in the first place.
That is true.
That is true.
But I haven’t, I haven’t made any, any change, last change I made on it was switching over to the H2 extruder package.
So I can have the really tiny extruder.
Oh, I didn’t tell you.
My dad has been talking about getting a new printer.
And he’s like, and I just, I don’t like the direct drive.
I want to do the Bowden.
And I’m sitting there going, what?
That doesn’t make any sense.
But we’re also talking about the, he did 40 years as a machinist.
You know, he’s got his ideas and he knows how to do stuff.
He compromised his machine.
He didn’t like how it was doing temperatures.
So we put a manual dial on there to manually do the temperature.
And then it wasn’t getting up to temperature and he couldn’t figure out why.
And so I got him through that issue.
And he just hasn’t done anything with his printer since then.
And I keep telling him, I’ll give it to me.
I’ll work on that old thing and try to get it.
Yeah, I get it.
Try to figure it out because it’s the older technology.
I have no problem with playing with the hard way to do prints.
Just to learn, right?
And if I get it up and running, I’ve got a second printer.
Even if the bed is half as big as my current one, then I can do fun stuff that way.
Yeah, that’s true.
Might be interested in something like a Delta printer or something, get something clear out of the ordinary.
If you’re going to stick with a second FDM printer, you know.
Well, if, if I’m going to invest money, that’s a whole another thing.
If someone’s going to give me a printer, I’m just going to take what they offer.
Very true.
Which makes sense.
I mean, I’m suddenly reminded of the idiom that you shouldn’t look at gift horse in the mouth.
And my response to that is why not?
If I’m going to be feeding the thing, I’m going to make sure it can eat what I’m feeding it.
My dad’s printer, they’re very least.
I have a clue as to what’s wrong.
So I can fix it.
But I’m not going to take just anything and put money into fixing it, you know.
Well, you’re right.
If someone is going to give you a horse, that’s a hell of a gift.
There’s probably something wrong with it.
You want to make sure a horse is healthy.
So I’m, I’m pretty sure that the person who came up with that idiom is somebody who was giving sickly horses away and getting offended when people were looking at them and saying, now, how long is this horse going to last?
Should I invest in food that it can’t eat?
So yeah.
I keep on trying to go back to tools and what kind of tools I’ve made.
I don’t print a lot of tools.
It must have been Chris’s subject.
Maybe we should have looked at that a little closer before we started.
It’s all good.
Or, you know, like I said, it’s a topic that we’re not going to talk about.
So we’re going to spend, I guess, now 15 or 20 minutes talking about how we’re not going to talk about it.
That works.
That works too.
I mean, it makes for great listening, just like everything else we do.
Hey, you know what?
Actually, you know, might as well just go back and talk about the thousand listens.
We just crossed that line.
We got a thousand people that have listened to us, a thousand times someone has listened to us ramble for at least an hour.
We’ve wasted a thousand hours of humanity.
Our plan to conquer the world is slowly coming to fruition.
There is the bit where we’ve got 28 subscribers or 24, sorry, 24 subscribers.
If we discount my wife who I think is still subscribed, she hasn’t said she isn’t, but you know, she may just be avoiding hurting my feelings.
And the other let’s assume three people that are friends and family.
That means that there’s 20 people subscribed to us.
That we don’t know.
Well, I’m a subscriber.
So you’re one of the four on Spotify.
Are you a subscriber on Spotify?
No, I’m subscribed through Google podcasts.
I don’t think that they share their metrics with Spotify.
So it’s 20…
And I’m the podcast republic guy.
So it’s 24 subscribers through Spotify.
That’s pretty cool.
Just in that.
Yeah, just in that one realm.
That’s kind of cool.
20 people who like to listen to us not talk about our topics.
That’s good.
That’s worth it to me.
It’s not like we do this for anything more than just the opportunity to hang out anyhow.
So yeah, we need that excuse because the game night wasn’t working.
I thought it was fine.
Yeah, Until Andy decided that he needed to work and got together after he left.
Isn’t that quick?
Well, it also, somebody was was saying that the game we were playing was getting boring or something weird like that.
I was fine with it.
You know, it’s I was treating it more like I do with poker. It’s like the purpose of it is to hang out and have something to do while you’re hanging out and chatting with each other.
I do.
If I remember right, Andy was feeling that Among Us was a little violent.
No, that would be a friendly conversation.
No, that wasn’t me.
Maybe it was Chris or maybe it was Chris’s wife.
I could see it being Chris.
I would accept that being Chris’s wife too.
Oh, yeah.
But yeah, fun met and lots of stuff that I’m going to have to cut out.
Maybe. Does anybody have anything else that they want to say.
God, I wish I did.
I would love to talk more about this.
But the tools issues, just not something I do a lot of printing of.
Not even like shims and things.
I did make a shim for my dishwasher so that the locking mechanism would work properly.
Hey, that’s a good idea.
I mean, so we talked about that leveling isn’t actually making it level per se just making it so that the entire build plate is equidistant from the nozzle or well, with my resin printer, the table I’ve got it on, the table top is pressed wood and it had spent some time in a rather moist environment.
So it’s warped.
I need the intention when I first brought it in and said this is going to be my printing area was that I was eventually going to get some actually not warped wood to replace the top with and that just hasn’t happened.
And I thought I need shims to actually hold this thing level because you do want it to be level with when you’re working with resin because of it.
If the resin level gets low on…
it’s not going to be an even print.
Yeah, you want it to be the resin level to be equal throughout the whole thing just to make it so that you don’t like run out of resin on one side and have that whole part of the print missing.
I’ve actually I did that one time with the altar that I printed up for Gods of Metal Ragnarok and yeah and it you could see on the print where it kind of failed because the printer itself is not completely level and one side ran out of resin before the other and it was it just looked bad.
So I need printing shims though.
That’s a good idea because I’ve been thinking I need shims for this.
I’ve been trying to use like the user manual for the printer and and the paper funnels and stuff and but they they keep getting flattened too much.
Yeah, that would work.
You could print like a bottom to the printer that conforms to the table however bumpy the table is or what not and then it makes the top of the table completely level for the printer to sit on.
I keep thinking about dials and screws too. kind of like having…
Making it adjustable.
That also kind of explains the confusion going from SLA to FDM because you’re actually leveling it to the earth when it’s an SLA printer.
Kind of.
Yeah, well I mean you have to when you level the build plate you actually do make it level to the screen.
The same in the nozzle.
That’s not as finely tuned though as it is with an FDM because yours you just got the one ball joint you loosen it or tighten it right.
So we tram and you just you know yeah eyeball it.
Well and I but your machine needs to be level to the earth and our machine can be sideways as long as it’s tramped correctly.
So exactly but I do also tram a bit but I tram and level.
Makes sense.
I’ve always wondered how much more of an angle I could get on my FDM printer if I cocked the whole printer up on the side.
You know what?
You can 3D print some tools and figure it out.
There you go.
There’s those extreme angles but I don’t know if the kickstarter is still active or not but I’ve seen it advertised just so much on Facebook the the one that is saying yeah it’s an FDM printer that prints upside down and they insist that it works and everything I’ve read about it is that it they don’t have a working prototype and that the the prototype they do have actually doesn’t do as good of quality as they have.
I’ve talked about it before.
It’s the one that claims they can make a 3D model out of a single 2D photograph.
a lot of clay.
I’m I’m purposely avoiding mentioning the brand name here because I don’t want…
So that we don’t send people their way.
Well there’s there’s that but also so that in the off chance anybody involved in that project here is anything about it they can’t come after me for slander.
Yeah we don’t want that either.
I mean that’s not to say that I haven’t done my share of slandering them on their advertisements because I’ve made comments on and maybe that’s why I keep seeing it is because I’ve commented on it before because I’m like yeah.
I was like what this is a bad idea why are we printing FDM upside down what is the benefit and they said well by housing the all the the extruder and the nozzle and everything underneath it put most of the parts that would normally be moving in a stationary thing so it reduces vibration and makes it quieter and I’m like okay, but what happens when you have adhesion issues because you’re you’re going to have adhesion issues at some point.
Anybody that buys that printer is going to have more blobs than I do.
Yeah oh man can you imagine having having a spaghetti print on a printer like that I mean we have a spaghetti print it’s annoying I mean unless you get a glob like you do Frank but you know generally spaghetti prints are a non-event it’s a oh I need better bed adhesion here or something you know but uh…
but if your printer was upside down how that would be such a mess yeah I can’t even imagine
pass all right.
I just keep thinking of this other printer that I saw that has a sideways or a horizontal gantry oh instead of a vertical one and it uses like a scissor lift to move the gantry up and down and then the carriage moves in all three dimensions and the bed plate stays stationary and that was an interesting idea I can see using something like that but yes what it’s still oriented with the build plate on the bottom so…
Oh wait no…
Kinematics on that would be interesting.
I did misremember it’s not their nozzle isn’t stationary it is still a moving nozzle with a stationary bed plate that only moves on the z-axis but they’re like having it lower reduces vibration or something weird like that.
I could see that but it would be introducing so many more problems yeah and here we got all this new input shaping technology to prevent you know those kind of vibrations and things like that on on gantry systems that kind of
turning into a non-issue it’s like solving a problem making things worse for a problem that’s almost non-existent.
Gotta choose the lesser of two weevils.
but you know who’s the capital W building an entire printer you know from scratch and and getting it going is the people complaining about it so what do we know?
true true but that you don’t have to be building an entire printer from scratch to be able to look at somebody’s design and point out the flaws.
that’s science that is rudimentary science right there I have this great idea and then every other scientist comes around and goes naw that’s a bad idea dude
yeah I’m surprised, I mean it’s great that they tried something unique because who knows maybe they would have stumbled across something but the fact that they’re like turning it into a full-blown product advertising for it and stuff that’s the weird part.
it’s putting the cart down the street from the horse.
yeah yeah.
Or like at the bottom of the hill leaving the horse up at the top.
No the horse is on a completely different hill
all right let’s be mindful of our own time here and just go do other Saturday projects I think.
all right…
hopefully Chris will be back next time keep the conversation going better.
I said what I did and I’m gonna go back to we said when you missed an episode that you must have been the one that was driving the conversation but now with Chris gone and us being in the same boat I think it’s really just the dynamic of all four of us because when one person’s gone the whole thing just falls apart
Keah to a lesser extent when I’m gone because I don’t say much.
we still miss you though I know you’re you’re you’re I don’t want say snide your sarcasm is very useful.
Useful sarcasm beautiful
All right
All right
we would like to thank everyone for listening to the very end
there it is I’ll start it again no if you like what you
hear please give us all the stars and subscribe we are available through a wide variety of podcast vendors and so we’re easy to share…
and I’m gonna redo that anyway just so that we don’t have to contend with the airplane that flew right overhead in the middle of the line
if you like what you hear please give us all the stars and subscribe we are available through a wide variety of podcast vendors and so are easy to share if you have feedback or if you have content requests please let us know you can find this in our Facebook group Amateur3dPod or you can email us at
Our individual… for individual feedback you can email us at Franklin Kevin Andy or Chris at the music in this episode was written by Kevin Buckner open a i’s whisper completed the heavy lifting for the transcripts which you can find linked in the description
Our panelists are me Franklin christenson and my friends Kevin Buckner Chris Weber and Andy Cottam.
Until next time we’re going offline.
Keep your FEP tight
Weee. printing upside down