Thank you for joining us.
This is episode 76 of Amateur 3D Podcast, a podcast by amateur printers for amateur
printers, where we share our thoughts and experience.
Our panelists this week are me, Franklin Christensen, and my friends, Andy Cottam,
Kevin Buckner, and Chris Webber.
And we’re all back.
Yeah, how did that go?
Me and Chris ended up on our own last week, all alone.
Yes, we are.
Yeah, you shouldn’t have done that to, you shouldn’t have done that to us.
We, we were lost.
We were more than just a little lost.
I’m curious to be able to listen to it when it comes out here and see what you guys talked about. I did see that it was like 40 minutes of material you guys got that wasn’t too bad.
Uh, it was because of rum and coke or.
I didn’t have any rum that night.
You don’t need it to get off your rocker.
Thanks for that, Andy.
I appreciate how much faith you have in my ability to drink responsibly.
Oh, this isn’t an alcohol issue my friend.
No, I see where you’re going.
Ooh, them, them, them is hurtful words.
Yeah, I mean, I use the word friend all the time.
I guess it’s okay.
Okay, now we’re going to start air quoting friend.
Once that I’ll regret surely regret later.
You know. Friends.
I mean, that was a reference to the movie better off dead.
I don’t didn’t even I never watched that one either.
You should watch it. It’s hilarious. It’s one of those eighties comedies that’s just off the wall.
Okay, I’ll put it on the list.
Oh, my wife told me that she has never seen idiocracy before.
Are you serious?
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh
It has become a personal mission to resolve this issue.
I had to happen with a coworker too.
There’s a problem with that. It’s not going to be funny anymore. It’s like if you watch it today. Yeah, like it’s
Because we’re living in it.
It’s awful.
It’s getting to the point where it’s sad because it’s so true like that movie that movie wasn’t really a movie. It was a prophecy.
It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.
What… what do you call it, if it’s a pre documentary or the events?
Uh, Nostradamus.
Or not Nostradamus.
Yes, Tirdamus.
Yeah, you definitely have to sit her down and you’ll have to tell her to pretend she’s back in the 90s here to be able to get all the jokes because yeah they’re right.
It’s not that funny anymore.
You know, if you, if you, if you sit her down for a good old fashion comedy like we had in
high school, like American pie or, um, uh, liar, liar, get her in the mood.
It’s almost like some of the older movies that you can watch nowadays where you’ll come across some kind of something that is racially insensitive or something like that that was hilarious back then but now it’s really cringy.
It’s going to be most of idiocracy right there really cringy.
S O T S here.
especially with the, well, not especially.
I’ve been telling a lot of Brando jokes lately, which is why it came up.
I almost lost my coffee just, just by the mention of it.
Got electrolytes.
it’s got electrolytes that plants crave.
She was struggling to decide on a drink to get at the gas station,
and she picked something up and she’s like, I’ll go with this.
And all I said was plants, dig it.
She thought it she thought it was my joke and I was disappointed.
Oh, go, uh-oh, I got to educate you, sweetheart.
I only wish I could come up with something that gold.
Of course, that that’s half of what we do anyway, right?
Is we repeat what we saw in a movie and people think it’s funny because they never saw the movie.
We’re not really that smart.
Oh, yeah.
Well, not entirely.
I, I, I keep trying to come up with good, good stuff by the end of the episode every week.
Okay. Yeah, but when I say something like, Nick, no, you guys get it and probably nobody else.
So, yeah, I had a Nick no moment.
Let me, uh, I was actually going to, um, put this in the discord after the episode today,
but now is a great time to send it to you guys.
So while you work through that, for our listeners who have not seen
Mystery Science Theater 3000, the TV show, there was a scene where or an episode where they were
making fun of some 60s movie or flick about a dating from 50s or 60s might have even been earlier.
And at the end, the guy sees a list of activities that he can go on with all of his friends and
There was a weenie, a weenie roast.
he says, oh, a weenie roast. And everybody from the MST3K cast goes, Nick, no.
So anyway, there, there’s the picture in our discord.
It is that scene from American pie, um, the scene from American pie.
And in the middle of the table is not a pie, but the new Dune popcorn bucket.
With lid included.
I, uh, came from the depths of Reddit.
I don’t have a source for it.
There have been so many memes that it’s hard to identify actual sources at this point.
Some, yeah, sometimes, sometimes you do, you, yeah, you do get gold out of the toilet.
So, you know,
Oh, that’s terrible.
Uh, what do you say we move forward with the podcast from there?
Yeah. that sounds like a great idea to me.
Does anybody go first?
Frank. No!
Yeah, let’s go for it.
Does anybody want to go first?
I did nothing.
I did absolutely nothing.
I got drugs that made me feel better and I got some rest and I actually fixed one of the cars
in my driveway and I’m working on the next one today.
That sounds like things have been working out.
I thought you sounded a little more chipper today. I guess I just said something.
I’m glad you’re feeling better while you wait for stuff to actually happen.
Yeah, well I got referred to a new doctor and the new doctor
hit it on the nail because my general practice doctor
had no idea what was actually wrong and she did she missed she missed that nail.
Oh, really.
So yep but this new one I got referred to hit it on the head and I’ve got
um a thing scheduled next week or I guess this coming week and I’ll let you guys know how that goes.
All right, cool.
Yeah, absolutely. That sounds great. Glad you’re feeling better, at least for the start of this whole thing. Got the right kind of pain med.
Yeah applied in the right um so um
How’s the car coming.
For the engine, I guess.
so yeah I sold my last car the one that I had fixed from being wrecked
to my father-in-law and he uh it was due for emissions so this this month so he decided
that he is going to um register it this month well the minute he takes it into the shop
like during their testing the check engine light comes on and gets failed
Oh, no.
right and so that’s so that’s what I fixed this week
That sucks
um yeah I found a couple hoses
unplugged and stuff and so I don’t know if like they decided to do that at the shop
while it was running or they were trying to figure out what was wrong because the codes that came up
are because of vacuum problems and whatever else so this involved me getting a new pcv
valve installed um and rigging together um some tubing to make that the pcv work proper
Oh, sounds messy.
I could have I yeah I could have spent 15��������ℎ����−������ℎ�����������������������������������ℎ�������������15gettingthepre−moldedhosefromSubarubutIwantedtogetitdonethatdaysoIspent40 at AutoZone rigging myself something up
That sounds about right.
Is there a reason you can’t 3D print a vacuum hose?
I wish I could have 3D printed myself out of this but nope
no I just needed one connector but it turns out that if I use enough I can I actually did
plastic welding to make one of my tubing reducers fit proper and that solved my issues so so instead
of 3D printing I did plastic weld a little bit so nest and oh okay we missed the
Well, anyone else want to go next?
Kind of related to 3D printing.
What was that, Andy?
Welding plastic is kind of related to 3D printing.
I guess I can go or you. Okay. So I missed last time because I was on a family vacation life. We took a quick trip to Disneyland and I regret nothing.
Peripheral? Yeah.
And still plastic and additive.
Alright, who’s next?
I guess I could go. Or you.
Go ahead, Kev.
So I missed last time because I was on a family vacation.
We took a quick trip to Disney Land.
And I regret nothing.
you just got cuffed again now you’re going to Disney Land
Anyway, so what I have done in the meantime is I finished the death whistle on the resin printer. I have.
oh it’s actually shaped like death that’s cool
That’s a smaller one than, or at least it’s printed smaller than any that I found.
it’s the same size as the the one I printed on the FDM printer still haven’t gotten it to work exactly as well as I’d like it to it is loud I was trying I was playing with it yesterday in the house and my wife started complaining and so I said okay well I’ll go outside so I don’t disturb anybody and the neighbors dog.
The neighbors dog freaked out so.
I was like I saw that coming a mile away
So does it sound like a scream then?
That’s cool.
Or is it just a…
ow ow
I didn’t hear very much there.
Discord filters it up.
um yeah but what I did get sounded like an eagle
um mid mate
So, and I, yeah, I did mention the last time I was on printing my character for the the new gaming group that I have joined.
Since then I sent a message to the group saying, tell me your character descriptions, and I will make minifigures for you so I’ve only gotten three of those so far, but I have, I printed the one that’s kind of an alchemy character.
That’s cool.
And it is in the other room so I can’t show you I could show you the STL that I got for it. And then I have. I also got one that’s a hobgoblin wizard like character, and that player mentioned that this character has a necklace that has her family seal on it.
So, I had to do some manipulation and blender with it to make that happen because Titan craft doesn’t have necklace options. So I just barely finished that while we’ve been talking.
And so I will be printing this one today. And then there’s another one that I’ve working on making in Titan craft to spec for the the other person who has responded that one’s getting close.
sorry uh it just interject here I uh I you said alchemy and I’m imagining a breaking bad character
named Al Chemie. Sorry done.
Yeah, Chris is on a roll today.
Okie dokie. Yeah.
I’m on a bender today
I guess a bagel would roll better than a roll.
Oh, well that’s fortuitous. So I’m just going to share my screen so I can show you what Dave looks like.
visual listening
Right, that’s always the best. So, so that this gaming group consists of a bunch of goblinoids. And this is the fire goblin.
yeah is your hair on fire no that’s just my hell toupee
You’re fired. That was awesome.
And her name is Dave.
That’s cool.
Her backstory is that she used to work at a restaurant as the fire for the oven.
that’s great
When they were introducing the character one of the other characters said yeah she used to be the chef at a restaurant and he’s like the player said no I was not the chef.
I was the fire.
I was the restaurant
I was I was but it’s like a mimic saying no I was the restaurant
Oh, that’s good.
And then in blender this is the hobgoblin character.
So with this pendant I didn’t design the pendant myself. I went and found a cool looking dragon pendant on cults.
So I actually can’t see.
mm-hmm mine your screen hasn’t updated on my stream
It’s probably because it wanted to share just the web browser and not the monitor.
Oh yeah because it’s on application so let’s go to screens.
There we go.
See, even your techie adjacent people have issues with tech.
Oh, I’m not much of a techie but so this is the pendant I found on cults that I was talking about that I did not design, but it looks really cool. I did do the necklace though.
That’s cool.
And so for the necklace what I did was I just made a really thin torus and then I used the grab tool to stretch it and manipulate it to make it look like it’s around her neck and kind of following the contours of her neck and her collar bone and upper chest area.
That works really well.
That doesn’t look like a car to me.
Yeah. Your skill level there is still very much growing. I am. I’m very jealous. I need to sit down and make some more donuts because I can’t do anything on it still.
So that’s pretty much what I’ve done. There is, I could show off one more that I’ve started making is this guy.
But I haven’t gotten very far into this guy yet.
Just generic goblin. This party is all goblin oids. There’s a bunch of goblins.
His name is also Dave.
No, his name is Clang Mack.
Well, no, I mean, with the word also as part of his name.
also his last name is Dave
And, oh, this wizard character that I was showing off in Blender.
Her name is ridiculously long.
That’s a odd name to have.
that’s a really cool name
what do you got there ridiculous
Lee long
No, it’s ridiculously long.
It’s all her name.
No family name.
It’s all a personal name.
um, so, uh,
Viscountis Marquis Baroness boy hag the 17th.
Holy crap, that is ridiculously long.
and a half
you should do the 17th and a half
So this group, um, in this group, I’m playing the, the first gnomish bard I ever made and the one that I played so well that was the huge comic relief everybody loved and made me the bard for the rest of eternity.
with a kazoo
Um, the DM, the GM wanted me to recreate that character for this campaign. I mean, it was originally a Pathfinder first edition and this is Pathfinder second edition. So I did my best to recreate the character.
And I played him kind of eccentric and a fast talker and just all over the place.
And I played him the same way at this other group. And surprisingly, he was the normal one in the party.
Because everybody else is a bunch of goblins except for the cobalt and the hobgoblin, but they call the cobalt the scaly goblin and they call the hobgoblin the tallest.
the tallest
And when they found my character, we were doing the introductions. They’re like, so what kind of care, what kind of goblin are you? I’ve never seen a purplish goblin before.
And I was like, well, I’m, I’m not a goblin. I’m a gnome and they all slowly reach for their weapons saying not a goblin.
And it’s like, uh, wait, I mean, I’m an elf goblin. And they’re like, Oh, an elf goblin. Okay, we’ve never seen one of you before.
yeah I’m from I’m from up north eh
Lot’s of planets have a north.
That’s good.
So that’s what I’ve done.
So when you’re playing your games.
Do you have a, um, a board you play on?
Or do you make a whole Dungeon World. Or anything.
What do you do with your figures?
So we don’t always use boards and figures and stuff, but sometimes, particularly with battles, it helps to have the layout. And so the GM has, for this group anyway, has a set of interlocking tiles that he can use to construct the battlefield.
And at the session I went to, he was using dice to say, okay, this is this person and this is that monster. And I was like, this is ridiculous. Let’s, let’s have actual mini figures on here.
And they said that they had been using hero forge, but that was getting a bit pricey and whatnot. And I was like, well, I’ve got Titan craft. It’s fine.
Yeah, so.
It is neat what you’re able to come up with on there. That’s for sure.
yeah it’s a completely customizable too it’s not like oh you you go down to the craft you go down
to the hobby store and you can only buy these preset things and if you you want to add things you
have to paint them on yourself or you know
yeah especially Kevin has some blender skills too to
customize them even works it’s insane
It’s ridiculous. This model I can buy at the store is playing the guitars playing an F major and I need one billion and E minor. This is ridiculous.
You should have more selection.
and and you can do it
do it do it do it
Yeah, that looks good.
Just so everyone knows I so far have decided that this episode is going to be Ridiculouslylong.
but you got you but you got to spell it like uh R E E D U less and then L E E long you know
so it’s ridiculous Lee long
I like it. I like it.
That’s good.
her name is ridiculous Lee long
That works.
I’ve just changed the title to Her Name is Extraphonetically spelled
That works.
ridiculous no
Good deal.
Andy. Did you do anything this week?
Yeah, so I did a couple of different things. So two podcasts ago, the last one I was on, Frank, you brought up a game that you played with your neighbors that you were really enjoying called Jokers and Marbles.
And you showed us the board on this one and the game board is made up of separate long sections that connect together to form a circle of however many players you got.
And it’s got a bunch of holes in the.
yep so it’s it’s got like a yeah two-dimensional shoulder
joint at
And with a modular panel for each player. Yeah, you can adjust how many panels are linked together.
so if our listeners are listening it’s uh Jokers and Marbles google it you know you’ll find some
some nice board setups
And might even find these posts on his Facebook profile.
But so after seeing this, that kind of got me interested because that’s the board was a lot of the ones I’ve seen online. I think the ones that you had Frank are just got little bevels for the spaces. They’re not fully drilled, right?
But a lot of the ones on the internet I found were just drilled boards for where the Marbles would sit.
but you intend to play this with small children is that correct
Yeah, and Marbles have been a problem in my house, but still, that’s besides the point. This game looked like something that we could come up with ourselves really easily and it would be a fun thing to do with the kids.
And the game is played very similar to Sorry. It is a little different, but it’s basically Sorry. And that’s a kid. That’s a game that we play regularly here at the house that the kids really enjoy.
After we got done with the podcast.
Sorry I described it to to my wife as um Sorry for grown-ups
Yeah, there you go. That’s a good way to describe it. So after, after the podcast, I sat down with the kids and I asked them, you know, would you be interested in making this with me?
I’ve got some extra trimming, one and a quarter inch trimming board that’s just been sitting in, you know, against the wall here for years and years and years from when I did the upstairs floor.
And I just kind of waiting for a place for to use it and then this came up and I’m thinking, you know, we could probably design those game boards to be able to fit on that little one and a quarter inch piece of trim and and be able to play it.
I sat down with my oldest, my 10 year old and then we came up with something that was was pretty close to kind of what Frank did. It was only, Frank’s was yours was like 15 or 16 inches long though, wasn’t it Frank?
Yeah, that’s what I think.
Yeah, it was it was it was kind of big the ones we designed were only about a foot long. That way I could make six boards with what was left over this piece of trim. And instead of using marbles decided to 3D print some pegs that we could color and use for that.
So we sat down and did it and ran it through the laser cutter and it cut out beautifully.
Excuse me
We got six of these, these boards cut out well, and even etched a little home area and finish area on the board that I noticed a lot of the other boards didn’t have that kind of designated the different areas because
Well, you guys saw the way I did the pegs it was kind of actually difficult to understand what pegs were for what so having the little shapes around them kind of made it a little bit easier to understand and
Well… And…
Yours are not… Your boards are not very tall.
When the board is taller it’s easier to visually see where your home area is and your safe area is.
Yeah, yeah, because the normal boards like three or four inches tall aren’t they?
Easilly Yeah.
Yeah, and I only had an inch and a half to work with so it was it still worked out really well, but they came out looking beautiful and then I figured well why don’t we take Sandy’s down and we can stain them and we can have a nice set of boards so
This is when I learned for the first time that you staining laser cut stuff can be a little bit difficult where it was laser cut the stain kind of seeps into and causes these little dark lines around every place that was laser cut.
It made all of the laser etched areas look fuzzy, and it just kind of destroyed the board it was not a good thing.
And it was kind of sad I really should have tested the stain on some of the small sections of board that were garbage but no I decided to straight up put it on just the first board and start painting it so I messed up one of the boards.
And so I told the kids you know okay well tomorrow after work I’ll stop in and I’ll get the I’ll get some more trimming from the store I wasn’t planning on buying anything for this but they turned out so pretty and we’re looking so good it was at this point maybe worth spending a little bit of money on you know
could buy a piece of trim for fairly cheap so I went to the local store afterward and it occurred to me like the one that Frank’s had were like three inches tall and they were a lot thicker than a quarter inch.
Maybe I can go through and and just buy if I’m going to buy some wood for this why don’t I buy some good wood for this and we can redo it.
And so I bought some half inch pine that was six inches thick and like five feet of it something like that and I brought it home
Six inches thick?
six inches wide half inch thick sorry.
And, and so I brought it home and this is when I discovered that my little dial cutter does have a limit of how thick it can cut.
Now this is the first time I’ve tried to cut anything that wasn’t just the eighth inch basewood that you know a lot of people use for laser cutters.
And so I learned a hard lesson here trying to cut this stuff up and I still don’t have my venting setup downstairs here.
So I had a little wet drive back outside the window, the vacuum sitting outside, and the hose is coming inside, sitting next to the cutter trying to suck out the smoke and stuff like that and at one point the vacuum turned over and you know the little
loat ball on the inside that’s supposed to shut it off.
and the vacuum goes
Yeah, and it was, it was doing that for like 1015 minutes while the laser cutter was cutting this half inch board. So the whole basement was filled with smoke.
It was stinky. It was giving me a headache. I was apologizing to the family for ruining the environment in the household. It’s too cold outside and I don’t have the air conditioner set up right, the water cooler, to blow all the air out of the house you know so we’re just using fans and it just turned into such a disaster.
The next day I figured okay you know what I’m just going to grab some of the exact same trim that I had before and let’s just finish the original design. It worked great for those six boards I just need to make one more board.
And so I got, I went down the next day and I bought some trim looked like the same stuff brought it home and started cutting on it and it’s sticking up the house again stuff like that and I’m quickly learning that what I bought was pine.
The original board was pine but no the original board is a hardwood. And that is what I think made it cut so nice is that it was a hardwood. The pine like burns outside of away from the cut. Yeah, and I looked back at the
Pine is pretty pourous compared to… well… it’s a soft wood. so…
Yeah, yeah and I’m unlike you Frank I’m not a woodworker I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. So yeah.
I… You give me too much credit.
So I, I, I gave up on it I was tired of fighting with it this I’ve stunk up the house three times now. And I’m spending a lot of time. I’m like cutting these thing things out I was spending like three or four hours a night on during work nights and it was just the kids weren’t helping
anymore because I didn’t want them downstairs with all the smoke and stuff and it was just bad. And so I finally decided you know I still want to do this but I’m just going to 3D print the board.
Instead of do do the laser cut I’m just going to call that a failure a learned lesson. You know, apparently I…
about a quarter inches is about as much as mine can cut and I should really look into not cutting pine that cutting pine might be bad just doesn’t
work with the thicker stuff and you know just take it as a lesson learned
so I wound up 3D printing these boards and that’s what I want to show you what I accomplished here so while I was going over the rules. What’s that
so you you did sorry so you did 3d print yourself out of this problem
I did yeah when I was talking with the kids when we were making it up they quickly started like when I was describing what the cards do because it uses a normal Joker’s and Marvel’s uses a normal deck of playing cards but the cards some of the cards are
and so I was kind of going over the rules with them and they were trying to come up with all their own different kind of.
And it just kind of occurred to me like I didn’t know this game existed these guys don’t know this game existed this is kind of a special kind of its own little thing.
Why not just let them make it whatever they wanted to make so I asked them you know you guys just want to do your own thing here and make it your own game and they got excited for it so.
it’s Two all over again
Yeah exactly my son wanted to write down all these special rules on the cards.
And so I told him well why don’t you just go make us some cards
and then he got really excited and they ran off while I worked out the 3D printing stuff
and he came back down to me with all these cards that he had come up with.
And some designs and paint of what the card should look like
and so I told him OK we’re going to make your own game here that’s this is just going to be your thing
and we’re just going to use the Joker’s and Marvel’s board.
I told him let’s not change the board though that way we can play the original game on it all we want
but you can make it what you want to do so a lot of the design choices here are from my children and I got out voted on a lot of things.
So the start of it is this is how the boards turned out which I thought was was you know they turned out kind of cool.
I raised the very last layer to do a different color and I wanted to do them white.
You could tell the difference between home and the finished and they decided that they wanted a color and they chose a dark color so it’s actually now kind of hard to see the home and finish board but you know that that’s that that worked out well.
The pieces I wound up SLA printing all of the pegs and these are actually my son’s design.
This is his model of peg that he made using Microsoft Builder and we printed off a bunch of these and then just painted the the heads the spherical top of the peg different colors.
So we’ve got tons of different colors.
And then.
For Our listeners, they look like a marble with a pawn body
yeah um
Actually, I think they look like pawns with a narrow body.
um well no there’s uh there’s there’s those um toddler toys called the little people it looks
like those
I think they look similar to Trouble pegs.
Yeah! There you go.
I like that better.
They’re appropriate.
I made the argument two weeks ago that marbles should be able to roll, but I thought about it afterwards and it’s like, they don’t need a roll for the game. They don’t need a roll for any reason that I can think of. A pig is just fine.
when you got marble eaters at home you want to keep them from rolling away
Yeah, there’s that too.
And that’s my biggest problem is my four year old still likes to put toys in his mouth so marbles are even though a marble is probably a more okay thing to accidentally swallow kind of a bad thing to choke on.
So yeah we’ll go with these.
These are a little bit a little bit harder to accidentally swallow.
But the kids painted these with acrylic paints.
In fact we took the old wood boards.
What was left of some of the ones and use those to hold the pegs while all the kids painted them and things like that.
So each one of my kids painted a color of peg which is kind of cool and it’s it’s done like a you know seven year old would have painted so they’re nice to treasure.
They look fine to me.
And the cards.
yeah they look crying
Yeah, thanks.
The, the cards.
I went and bought some special paper to print these cards out on some waterproof plasticized paper, trying to match the quality of a normal playing card.
And I bought, I’ve got some 110 pounds paper down here that we use card stock for a lot of things.
I found some 110 pound of this plasticized paper bought it, and it’s not 110 pound when I got it it’s like normal printer paper, but it’s plasticized it’s like you know it’s plasticky.
And so it’s still good paper but it isn’t card stock so it’s not going to work for playing cards and.
And so it’s.
uh you need you need photo paper
We got a photo paper but that’s usually only one sided and wouldn’t work anyway.
So we wound up just using the card stock that we’ve got and came up with cards that look like like these here now this is this is my son’s design.
They called the game apologetic revenge, which was kind of cool.
Whenever we would play sorry, the kids like to play in teams, and we usually ask Google, hey, we’ve got these four people.
Well, can you put us in teams and choose us team names, because if Google picks who’s the team who’s on the teams, then it’s not all three kids just trying to be on my team, and then people get left out so we let Google choose the teams and it works out
really good and at one point, we asked it to pick us team names and, and me and my, my daughter’s team name was the apologetics, and the kids thought that was really funny because we were playing sorry.
So I think that’s where apologetic revenge came from, but this is his card design, and they turned out pretty nice, and I went and I took the cards and made them a little bit more square because when he painted them they were different sizes and stuff like that
and this is the design that he came up with, and they’ve got all the special cards and it’s turned into a game that’s kind of a mix between sorry, Uno, and the marbles and jokers.
So we’re
Which is a mix of sorry and Uno all on its own. So…
but we laser cut the cards out and you can see that even though this is just card stock that the cards turned out really nice they’re very shuffleable, and it’s 108 card deck to play this game.
And the first time we played it, we had to change a couple of the rules to balance it because it was too easy this is too violent of a game. It’s too easy to have your piece removed from the board and sent back home.
So we changed.
That was always part of the strategy with marbles and
Jokers though.
Jokers and that one.
Yeah, but it worked out really well and now it’s it’s pretty balanced and it’s fun to play it takes about about two maybe three times as long to play then sorry, when got five people playing but I’ve got six boards to be able to put together so we can play anywhere
well you could play under four players but it takes four of these sticks to create a board the smallest board it can create, and I made six sticks so it can go up to six players.
We then made
You mentioned multiplayer, something that was specific about marbles in any of your research, but the version we played, if you’re playing on teams, you play on opposite sides of the board.
So like positioning, you can help the other person, but only if they’re on your side of the board and stuff like that. So, um…
Some of that was taken into consideration when he read the rules some of the cards only apply to pawns in your section.
Mm hmm.
And so there’s that kind of stuff but there’s also five people in my family so playing team games, I was often kind of hard a lot of the times, usually it’s bad as best for the, the youngest to sit down with somebody and yeah, so, but I did remember reading those rules about playing from the person across.
Yeah, it’s good.
no, no, man, just bring the dog in.
So there you go.
But I wound up making in this box.
There needs to be an element of chaos to this game.
This 3d printed box that’s it’s very similar to a normal card game box.
Mm hmm.
With the sections for all the cards and all that other kind of stuff and it came out kind of nice and this is the first time I tried to print a two color print on the same layer that worked out kind of cool.
I did the name apologetic revenge the same way it’s written on the card across the box top, and, and that was actually two separate print jobs that I did to do this one.
I, I took the, the name apologetic revenge and printed it one layer or made a model that was one layer tall of just the letters, and then use that model to subtract out of the lid.
And I played where the letters are, and then I went through and lined them up on the, on the incurra, so that they were right on top of each other to print perfectly with no supports.
And then I printed the first one in white, and then I changed to black filament and then ran the second print job, and everywhere there was white, it would jump over for the black cover, and it worked out pretty good.
And you can see that that’s, it almost looks like it was printed on a two color printer. Yeah.
on purpose
It’s supposed to, yeah.
It came out really, really, really well. So this is, this is what I did over the last two weeks, most of it was spent dealing with the stupid cutter, but this, this box came out pretty nice and the card game came out pretty nice and it’s been fun to play with the kids.
And that’s, that’s the major thing that I did this week. The, the minor thing I did is just I just made more of my drawers for my component storage.
You can kind of see over there that I’ve got drawers now of likely different sizes
like I was talking about before where I can have with this system different size drawers.
It’s like getting skinny jeans and then jinkos, you know different sized drawers
And I’ve been kind of getting into that as I’m making, or adding different components to it. So I’ve got, what is that 90 something drawers right now, two, four, eight, 10, 15.
Wow, there’s like 150 something drawers over there. That’s a lot.
And it’s still only, what is that? A quarter, maybe more like an eighth of your shelf space.
All the way full holy molly
I mean, yeah, yeah, it’s just going to be a lot here.
Um, we should we should uh, we should just put in a uh open sign in it, you know, they call it uh, Andy’s shack
There you go.
But the things are turning out really, really well with that I’m really happy with it. I only print six drawers at a time of that particular size that seems to be like the standard size drawers I’m going to use for this is this.
How big is it 20, 20 millimeters by, or no it’s like 25 millimeters by 18 millimeters by three inches, 80 millimeters long drawers.
Uh, uh, ouch don’t don’t combine metric and sae like that that hurt
Well, well,
That took me a second too… right?
I know a lot of people tend to understand understand how big millimeters are in smaller measurements.
When you start getting into larger measurements. A lot of people won’t understand how how big that is you don’t have that mental image
Okay, so if you
if I say 80 millimeters, they might be able to see, you know, 25 millimeters okay that’s about an inch or so you know
That’s an inch
And so they kind of know that but when you get up and what’s 80 millimeters that’s when it gets a little bit more confusing that’s why through the three inches out there. That’s about three inches.
It still hurts
In fact, I based my measurement off of three inches, and then got the nearest metric measurement to actually build it off of which was 80 millimeters.
So, but that’s, that’s coming along. I’m doing a lot of printing my printer started making a weird squeak. I don’t know what it is.
It’s only every once in a while, and it’s a bearing squeak, and it’s from one of the wheels.
Like in your extruder?
So, I’m going to wait for it to get a little bit worse before I try to figure out which one’s going bad but I my printer’s been running non stop for like the last three weeks or so, like almost nearly 100% non stop.
Usually when it finishes a print job it only sits idle for like, sometimes it’s only minutes because I’ve got a time to where I when I get off of work I need to come downstairs and swap a print job out so.
A lot of the time I get down there and it’s got two or three minutes left so I just find something to make myself busy while it finishes up.
And you know, start the next print job immediately and sometimes when it finishes in the middle of the night before I get up for work it’s got like 20 minutes or something like that.
At least it did. I wound up going through my print jobs and… and adjusting the speed just a little bit on either side making it a little bit slower a little bit faster is you know the slower you go the better quality you get.
So, if I’m having idle time on my printer minus well dial it in and utilize that idle time for slightly better print quality.
So, now it seems like whenever I my alarm goes off on my phone to go change something on the printer it’s got like 30 seconds left or something like that it’s pretty dialed in.
So it’s it’s running almost all the time, but so it’s not surprising that bearings somewhere might start going out.
you’re going to bring your son
I’ll have to change something I’ve got a lot of print time on that printer so not really too much of a surprise, but that’s, that’s pretty much it man that’s all my printers been doing I got coming up here over the next couple of weeks.
I need to print my son is in a play and…
You’re going to print your son?
yeah, I need another one because the one’s going in a play so I need, need someone to do the chores around the house so I figured I’ll start printing that.
He’s, he needs a couple of props, and he needs to say he needs to sandwiches and a rock, because they’re doing.
What’s the movie with the clown fish.
Um finding Nemo
Nemo finding Nemo yeah they’re doing the play Finding Nemo so I need, I need a sandwich I need to sandwiches and a rock that I need to 3D print that need to be slightly oversized the rock I think needs to be.
Like a foot in diameter, give or take, and I’m hoping to find the same.
I’m going to go back to the movie and find the same rock that they use because it’s the rock they use in the fish tank to stop the propeller and going to try to make the exact same rock.
Well from text
From taxidermy people that make fake rocks
All they do is they just take a chunk of foam and randomly chunk parts off the outside and then they
spray coat it with with like a
A polymer so that it’s hard on the outside and then they just paint it from there
This is true, but this is a 3D printing podcast. So I’m going to 3D print my way out of this one.
Yeah, you’re not subtractive
So so what he’s saying is go in the blender start with a
Odd chunk and just cut pieces off it until it looks like a rock
Yeah, there you go. There you go.
Be as random about it as you feel like you can be
Yeah, I’m going to print.
or ask Ryan to do it for you
Yeah, yeah, there you go. No I need, I need some more experience and blender
That’s an in-joke sorry
and I can, I do, I can make the donuts in blender and one of the very first things you do is mutilate, you know, kind of adjust and make wonky wonky, a wonky thing so I should be able to come up with the rock that way.
If not, I am just going to grab one off thing a verse because there was a lot of rocks on there too, but I’m going to try to do that with myself. That way I get a little bit more experience.
That’s true if
if you do the torus tutorial wrong you get a rock
Yep. So all I have to do is screw this up and I think I’ll be set.
But, but yeah, so I’m going to do that so I get a little bit more experience using that and then print it out of white TPU probably going to split it up in half and glue it together.
So, but that’s that’s the plan for that. I think that’s just about it for me. What have you been up to Frank.
Not much I did design a
wreath holder because
The way I’ve been hanging him in the garage is on
Some slats that have screws in them and it wasn’t a great design in the first place
It was just convenient
So I designed little hooks that are modular so I can add as many hooks as
Comfortable with I don’t think more than two right now
with the density that I planted… printed them off with
But then I put the screw in most of the way from there and just hang the hanger part on it
and then I can put the hooks on there as
too deep and
It actually cut down my storage space
or cut down the the required space to
Put those wreaths up there
So I can put more put more on there comfortably and they’ve always been awkwardly placed anyhow, so
That’s really all I’ve done
I’ve picked up the software a little bit and I’ve been working the rest of the time
I saw the pictures of the wreaths once you’ve had them hang and it looks like it turned out exactly like you had modeled. I do want to say that I did notice that you created an assembly of your hooks hooked to each other.
I remember rithe… didn’t you?
And that’s that’s awesome. It looks like it come out in the real world just exactly as you would model them in the in the software.
One thing is the assembly that I shared had a longer beginning… um…
Attachment for the wall. It’s like that’s a lot of waste of plastic. I don’t need that
So I just cut out the middle part and there’s the hole for it to go over the screw and then the nub for the
for the hook to go on and less…
Yeah, those look pretty good. And once you got out the wreaths hanging on them, they looked pretty nice. They’re pretty not visible.
The way they hold the wreaths too
kind of cool.
Yeah, that’s that. It turned out really well.
My next step from there is going to be a
Similar kind of design. They don’t need to be deep as they are for the wreaths
but it’s gonna be the same idea and I’m gonna
hang up or do a similar design for the
The word for it the the daisy chained flowers and
Bees and all that stuff that my wife… Garland’s my wife buys garlands and hangs them up and
That and so I’m gonna do something similar. Like I said, they don’t need to be as deep. They just need to hold the garland and
Because my my current storage for those is just as problematic as the wreaths were so
Is it.
Yeah, let I just threw it together. We’ve talked about the
I know it as a as the swiss modular wall design
I’ve heard different source nationalities, but it’s basically
a plank on the wall with a A 45 degree cut out on the side of the plank
So you put that up there and then you can hang in a module fashion all your hooks and all that other stuff off of it
um and I when I first saw it I just kind of fell in love with it
And so my design for my garage uses just a single plank across the top and then I hang stuff off of that
and um… So…
It’ll be easy to reconfigure for
Anything else. I just take off the
The current hooks and then I’ll put my 3d printed hooks on
and uh be able to reuse most of my material
That sounds great.
That’s everything I did
Sounds like that’ll work. That’s good.
Can you see the bags under my eyes? I’ve had a long week.
Franks got, yeah Frank Frank Franks got all the hookups
Good deal.
I’d rather have hookups than hiccups.
Yeah, just like it’s better to be a smart ass than a dumbass
That’s true too.
Get those
Get get get those hicks down from there
No, we ain’t going nowhere
Sounds sounds like specifically Utah Hicks at that point
Yeah, that’s funny.
Well, I think that uh, we’re at the end of today’s podcast cast you guys got anything else you want to share real quick
I think that’s it for me, man.
That’s bizarre, okay
Let’s go
Yeah, I got nothing.
Which is less bizarre.
Yeah, that’s that’s normal calf for you. We appreciate you though
If we have to we guess
We only need three people to ramble four people to ramble would be too many
You’re our voice of reason here.
Do the thing Frank
I I got stuck on Andy’s comment about reason if Kevin is the voice of reason group we’re in trouble
We’re in funny
Maybe anyway
We’d like to thank everyone for listening to the very end
Holy crap the very end
If you like what you hear, please give us all the stars and subscribe
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You can email us at franklin kevin andy or chris @amateur 3d
Or directly to everybody at
That’s how you get us to fight each other
Um, okay, I’ll ref I guess just like the actual podcast. I’m not a very good ref there either
Kevin wrote the music for this episode and open ai’s whisper complete
And then completed the heavy lifting for the transcripts, which you can find linked in the description
Our panelists are me Franklin Christensen and my friends Kevin Buckner, Chris Weber, and Andy Cottam
Until next time we’re going offline
Keep your FEP type.
Always use hairspray.
Hey, uh, Frank pick one to five
I spilled yeast in my soup it was a super eyes
Uh, I
I used a neural net on my printer now my house is full of drones demanding the surrender of humanity
Not again.
Which printer?
Five okay, I printed a mouse my printer squeak the whole time
I like that one. That’s a good one.